CfgBrains Config Reference – Arma 3

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CfgBrains allows to tweak some global AI behavior. Exposed and working are countermeasure reaction, suppression reaction and targeting capabilities.

Template:Cfg ref

Default exposed setup

class CfgBrains
	class DefaultSoldierBrain
		class Components
			class AIBrainAimingErrorComponent
			class AIBrainCountermeasuresComponent
				minReactionTime = 0.1;
				maxReactionTime = 3;
				randomReactionTimePercent = 0.3;
				CMOnTargettedProbability = 0.5;
			class AIBrainSuppressionComponent
			class AIBrainTargetSelectorComponent // seems not implemented in 1.82
	class DefaultCivilianBrain
		class Components
	class DefaultAnimalBrain
		class Components

Available parameters

class AIBrainCountermeasuresComponent
	useSmokeGrenadeDelay = 20;
	CMCheckDelay = 0.8;
	suppressionThreshold = 0.8;
	nonLeaderSmokeProbability = 0.1;
	CMOnTargettedProbability =0.1;
	suppressionTimerMax = 2;
	minimalThrowDistance = 900;
	minReactionTime = 0.1;
	maxReactionTime = 3;
	randomReactionTimePercent = 0.2;
class AIBrainSuppressionComponent
	maxSuppression = 1;
	worstDecreaseTime = 10;// in seconds for 0 skill
	bestDecreaseTime = 1;// in seconds for 1 skill
	SuppressionRange = 20;
	CauseFireWeight = 0.5;
	CauseHitWeight = 0.5;
	CauseExplosionWeight = 0.5;
	CauseBulletCloseWeight = 0.5;
	SuppressionThreshold = 0.7;
class AIBrainAimingErrorComponent
	maxAngularError = 0.1309;// half of the error cone in radians
	maxAngularErrorTurrets = 0.0872;// half of the error cone in radians, used for turrets
	worstDecreaseTime = 2;// how long (in seconds) it should take 0 skilled soldier to stabilize the aim completely
	bestDecreaseTime = 0.2;// how long (in seconds) it should take 1 skilled soldier to stabilize the aim completely
	lostTargetTimeMin = 0.5;// how soon after loosing sight of target, error starts to raise
	lostTargetTimeMax = 3;// how long error is raising after loosing sight of target
	shootingInfluence = 0.4;// importance of shooting in algorithm, multiplier
	movingInfluence = 1;// importance of moving in algorithm, multiplier
	turningInfluence = 1;// importance of turning in algorithm, multiplier
	damageCoef = 10;// importance of damage of entity, multiplier
	fatigueCoef = 10;// importance of fatigue of entity, multiplier
	suppressionCoef = 0.5;// importance of suppression value, multiplier
	lostTargetCoef = 3;// importance of loosing target event, multiplier

Template:Cfg ref