Xpz – User talk

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Revision as of 13:00, 22 January 2007 by Xpz (talk | contribs)
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Sorry about putting this message here - could not email you.

Just thought I'd send you a message really laughed at your comments. I totally agree I think the sysop's feel they know more about AA than the developers simply because 5 years ago they wrote some OPF scripts (big deal) and therefore this gives them veto rights over what gets fixed in Armed Assault.

I previously added about 20 bugs but got so pissed off with 2 of the sysops stating 'this is not a bug' or some snotty comment and or trying to give me a work around that I just deleted all of them.

If I had wanted a work around I'd look in the forums and in any event this is not the place to present work arounds (imo). I think as you say its a pissing contest for them so they can show off their 'knowledge' and flaunt their power.

Anyway hopefully some of this stuff actually makes it to the programmers for fixing. I am disappointed that the AA engine is so flawed - it really needs a rewrite me thinks and then this would be the ultimate game / sim.

A worrying thing is that many of the new bugs are still flagged 0 and have been for nearly 2 weeks. This makes me think that they have closed the book on what gets fixed for the UK / US version.


Major Latency

Retrieved from "http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/User_talk:Xpz"

The bug list is not a pissing contest, however, what is the point of having submission rules if I'm going to be the one to apply all of the formatting? I work pretty hard to keep the list nice and tidy and to be as relevent as possible. It seems sort of ironic, don't you think, to say that it's not a pissing contest by calling me out in the middle of the list? If you have any messages for me I can be reached on my profile talk or on the BI forums. Thanks. --Plaintiff1 09:06, 22 January 2007 (CET)

Here is a quote from the rules portion at the top of the page:

"Submitting bugs in a usable format is essential. Your wasting everybody's time if you post something meaningless and there is a good chance your addition will be removed or ignored."

I neither removed nor ignored it. In fact, I took the personal pains to notify him on the BIS forums that his bug was not formatted properly, and gave him some time to remedy the problem. To emphasize, the bug list is not your personal venue to slag decisions or people you don't like. Use a more acceptable means of communicating your valued opinion on how I should conduct myself on the Wiki. Thanks in advance. --Plaintiff1 09:14, 22 January 2007 (CET)

It was not my intention to offend you. My point was that it is the bug finding/reporting/discussion that is important. Not the formatting/signing. It is easier to fix the formatting than testing the game for bugs. -Xpz