Multiplayer Framework – Arma 2
Multiplayer Framework (MPF or MPf) is a library that helps MP mission creation, regarding some commands' locality.
- library of scripts that are performing non-global script commands globally on network
- using publicVariable + addPublicVariableEventHandler (EH that fires for each publicVariabled variable on all clients - excluding calling client) + direct call on calling client
- easy use: R-commands match function of single non-global scripting commands (eg. MPF 'rHINT' call is doing 'hint' on clients)
- allows execution only on client where target object is local ("loc" switch)
- allows persistent calls - are performed on JIP client even if server processed given MPF call before client connected to game ("per" switch)
Remote script execution (RE)
On all clients is public variable eventhandler that executes scripts that corresponds to less-than-100-percent-multiplayer-working script commands. One script for one commands, no string sending that will be compiled and executed for the sake of clarity and easiness of creating MP-friendly commands from the engine MP-unfriendly ones.
- Script remExWrite.sqf is called with parameters that says: who executes, upon who, [only where local and/or persistent], which scripted command and parameters for scripted command on target client follow
- remExWrite.sqf writes in public variable remExField
- Change in remExField triggers execution of eventhandlers on all clients in the network game (initialized in init.sqf), script remExServer.sqf interpretes remExField (remExFP resp.)
- (if wanted) remExServer.sqf calls script (given as argument) on client that runs even handler
- Include functions module in your mission
- Wait for global variable "BIS_MPF_InitDone" to be defined (and true): cwaitUntil { !(isNil "BIS_MPF_InitDone"); };
- In scripts or FSMs call: c_handler = [/*...*/] call RE; (syntax - see below; RE stands for remote execution)
[nil_or_caller, nil_or_target_object, "loc", script_to_execute, par0, par1...] call RE; [nil_or_caller, nil_or_target_object, "per", script_to_execute, par0, par1...] call RE; [nil_or_caller, nil_or_target_object, "loc" + "per", script_to_execute, par0, par1...] call RE;
- "loc"...arbitrary parameter - executes remote script only on machine where nil_or_target_object is local
- "per"...arbitrary parameter - executes remote script even on JIP client connectiong *after* this RE call was executed in MP game
- script_to_execute - usually r + uppercase command (see available commands) e.g for hint: rHINT
- RE...remote execution (short for remExWrite.sqf)
Hint on all clients currently connected to the MP game:
Hint on all clients currently connected to the MP game + executed also on JIP client just after connection
Hint on client where object miles is local:
Hint on client where number 0 from players group is local. If JIP client connects to this slot, he got also his msg displayed:
Multiple parameters
- remExServer
- remExWrite
- library
- custom library (division to library and custom library introduced in Arma 2 v1.03)
Library + custom Library
- library - functionality of single non-global scripting commands
- custom library - enhanced functionality (eg. new parameters to scripting commands or more scripting commands triggered by one MPF call)
Available Commands
name | command | RE equivalent | Additional Information |
addAction | addAction | rADDACTION | |
addMagazine | addMagazine | rADDMAGAZINE | |
addMagazineCargo | addMagazineCargo | rADDMAGAZINECARGO | |
addWeapon | addWeapon | rADDWEAPON | |
addWeaponCargo | addWeaponCargo | rADDWEAPONCARGO | |
addWPCur | N/A | rADDWPCUR | takes object and for his group on his local sets current WP |
animate | animate | rANIMATE | |
callVar | N/A | rCALLVAR | (1.03) - calls code that is stored in variable on client |
clearMagazineCargo | clearMagazineCargo | rCLEARMAGAZINECARGO | |
clearWeaponCargo | clearWeaponCargo | rCLEARWEAPONCARGO | |
createDiaryRecord | createDiaryRecord | rCREATEDIARYRECORD | |
createSimpleTask | createSimpleTask | rCREATESIMPLETASK | |
createTaskSet | N/A | rCREATETASKSET | |
debugLog | debugLog | rDEBUGLOG | |
deleteWP | deleteWaypoint | rDELETEWP | |
enableSimulation | enableSimulation | rENABLESIMULATION | |
endMission | endMission | rENDMISSION | |
execFSM | execFSM | rEXECFSM | |
execVM | execVM | rEXECVM | |
fadeMusic | fadeMusic | rFADEMUSIC | |
fadeSound | fadeSound | rFADESOUND | |
failMission | failMission | rFAILMISSION | |
globalChat | globalChat | rGLOBALCHAT | |
globalRadio | globalRadio | rGLOBALRADIO | |
groupChat | groupChat | rGROUPCHAT | |
groupRadio | groupRadio | rGROUPRADIO | |
hint | hint | rHINT | |
hintC | hintC | rHINTC | |
JIPexec | N/A | rJIPEXEC | custom scripting functions |
JIPrequest | N/A | rJIPREQUEST | requesting JIP (RE persistent commands) from server by executing this via RE (on server) - parameter: logic local on client |
kbAddTopic | kbAddTopic | rKBADDTOPIC | |
kbReact | kbReact | rKBREACT | |
kbRemoveTopic | kbRemoveTopic | rKBREMOVETOPIC | |
kbTell | kbTell | rKBTELL | |
land | land | rLAND | |
move | move | rMOVE | |
moveIn | N/A | rMOVEIN | can replace moveInDriver, moveInGunner, moveInCommander, moveInCargo |
playAction | playAction | rPLAYACTION | |
playActionNow | playActionNow | rPLAYACTIONNOW | |
playMove | playMove | rPLAYMOVE | |
playMoveNow | playMoveNow | rPLAYMOVENOW | |
playMusic | playMusic | rPLAYMUSIC | |
playSound | playSound | rPLAYSOUND | |
removeAction | removeAction | rREMOVEACTION | |
removeAllWeapons | removeAllWeapons | rREMOVEALLWEAPONS | |
say | say | rSAY | |
setCaptive | setCaptive | rSETCAPTIVE | |
setCurrentTask | setCurrentTask | rSETCURRENTTASK | |
setCurrentTaskArrays | N/A | rSETCURRENTTASKARRAYS | |
setDate | setDate | rSETDATE | |
setDir | setDir | rSETDIR | caution: often gets overwritten by the server, tied to setPos |
setObjectTexture | setObjectTexture | rSETOBJECTEXTURE | |
setSimpleTaskDescription | setSimpleTaskDescription | rSETSIMPLETASKDESCRIPTION | |
setSimpleTaskDestination | setSimpleTaskDestination | rSETSIMPLETASKDESTINATION | |
setTaskState | setTaskState | rSETTASKSTATE | |
setWPdesc | setWaypointDescription | rSETWPDESC | |
setWPtype | setWaypointType | rSETWPTYPE | |
showCommandingMenu | showCommandingMenu | rSHOWCOMMANDINGMENU | |
sideChat | sideChat | rSIDECHAT | |
sideRadio | sideRadio | rSIDERADIO | |
skipTime | skipTime | rSKIPTIME | bad |
spawn | spawn | rSPAWN | |
switchAction | switchAction | rSWITCHACTION | |
switchCamera | switchCamera | rSWITCHCAMERA | |
switchMove | switchMove | rSWITCHMOVE | |
taskHint | taskHint | rTASKHINT | |
titleCut | titleCut | rTITLECUT | |
titleText | titleText | rTITLETEXT |