Server Hosting – Arma Reforger

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m (Fix config path)
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(64 intermediate revisions by 6 users not shown)
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Server Hosting is the fact of hosting a game instance accessible over the network to other players.
Server Hosting is the fact of hosting a game instance accessible over the network to other players.
There are two possible modes in {{armaR}}: '''player-hosted''' and '''dedicated'''.
There are two possible modes in {{armaR}}: '''player-hosted''' and '''dedicated'''.
As of {{armaR}} v0.9.5 two '''very important''' aspects of public server hosting are:
[[File:armar-port_fowarding_connection_failed.png|thumb|Connection fails from the outside if the door is closed.]]
* Set and keep {{HashLink|#fastValidation}} to {{hl|true}}
For a hosted server to be visible from outside the local network (e.g from internet), {{Link||Port Forwarding}} must be used.
* Limit Server's max FPS with the {{hl|[[Arma Reforger:Startup Parameters#maxFPS|-maxFPS]]}} startup parameter in order to save performance

== Player-Hosted Server ==
Please refer to your router's user guide for assistance.

Also known as '''Listen Server''', a '''Player-Hosted Server''' is a server with a local client that plays on it too.
<!-- Such server can be started from within the game, in {{hl|Play > Host}} -->
Main router brands's documentation links:
{{Feature|important|{{armaR}} does not allow for Player-Hosted Server as of v0.9.5.}}
* {{Link||Cisco router}}
* {{Link||D-Link router}}
* {{Link||Netgear router}}
* {{Link||TP-Link router}}

Line 21: Line 23:
A '''Dedicated Server''' is a server without any game instance launched; it purely processes game information and network synchronisation.
A '''Dedicated Server''' is a server without any game instance launched; it purely processes game information and network synchronisation.

=== Ports ===

{| class="wikitable"
{{Feature|informative| stable is app id: '''1874900''' -
! Protocol
! Port
! Description
| 2001
| Game port
| 50000..65000
| Steam communication ports
| 17777
| Steam Query protocol used to provide Steam with server status (amount of players, scenario name, etc)

=== Startup Parameters ===

See {{HashLink|Arma Reforger:Startup Parameters#Hosting}} and the {{HashLink|#Configuration}} section below for more information.
experimental: '''1890870''' -

==== config ====
=== BattlEye ===
The Server exe uses the {{hl|-config}} [[Arma Reforger:Startup Parameters|startup parameter]] to target the configuration file.
ArmaReforgerServer.exe -config ".\Configs\Campaign_SWCoast.json"

==== maxFPS ====
{{Feature|informative|See {{Link||BattlEye}}'s {{Link||documentation}} and {{Link||FAQ}} - there is also a [[BattlEye]] wiki article.}}
{{Feature|warning|As of '''0.9.5''' it is '''heavily recommended''' to use this [[Arma Reforger:Startup Parameters#maxFPS|startup parameter]], set to a value in the 60..120 range; otherwise, the server can try to use all the available resources!}}
ArmaReforgerServer.exe -maxFPS 60

==== Others ====
It is possible to modify BattlEye's RCon port and password by '''adding''' the following settings to {{hl|Arma Reforger\BattlEye\BEServer_x64.cfg}}:
Below [[Arma Reforger:Startup Parameters]] are optional but may prove useful upon some cases:
* [[Arma Reforger:Startup Parameters#logStats|logStats]] - allows to log server's FPS every x milliseconds
* [[Arma Reforger:Startup Parameters#logLevel|logLevel]] - sets the log detail level
* [[Arma Reforger:Startup Parameters#maxFPS|maxFPS]] - sets a maximum FPS limit for the server - saving performance in some cases
* [[Arma Reforger:Startup Parameters#listScenarios|listScenarios]] - logs available scenario {{|.conf}} file paths on startup

=== Configuration File ===
RConPort 5678
RConPassword myNewBEPassword

{{armaR}} uses JSON configuration format to run. A configuration file looks like this:
When editing {{armaR}}'s BattlEye config, make sure to '''append''' new settings to it and not ''erase'' or even ''edit'' existing information.<br>
Missing information will have the kick message "Missing GameID/MasterPort server config settings" welcome (and eject) players, whereas modified values will prevent BattlEye from working.<br>
In the event of the file being already incorrectly edited, verify the game's files on {{Link||Steam}} (see {{Link||Steam's tutorial}}):
* delete {{hl|BEServer_x64.cfg}}
* in Steam, right-click on {{armaR}}
* select "Properties"
* click on "Local Files"
* press "Verify integrity of game files"
Steam will now verify and repair modified files. This will not erase any personal files, game progress, controls and other configurations will remain unchanged.

<syntaxhighlight lang="json">
=== Startup Parameters ===
"dedicatedServerId": "",
"region": "EU",
"gameHostBindAddress": "",
"gameHostBindPort": 2001,
"gameHostRegisterBindAddress": "",
"gameHostRegisterPort": 2001,
"adminPassword": "changeme",
"game": {
"name": "Server Name - Mission Name",
"password": "",
"scenarioId": "{ECC61978EDCC2B5A}Missions/23_Campaign.conf",
"playerCountLimit": 32,
"autoJoinable": false,
"visible": true,
"gameProperties": {
"serverMaxViewDistance": 2500,
"serverMinGrassDistance": 50,
"networkViewDistance": 1000,
"disableThirdPerson": true,
"fastValidation": true,
"battlEye": true,
"missionHeader": {
"m_iPlayerCount": 40,
"m_eEditableGameFlags": 6,
"m_eDefaultGameFlags": 6,
"other": "values"
"mods": [
"modId": "abcd3995-b1d9-473d-aa11-0836c0a595ad",
"name": "WeaponSwitching",
"version": "1.0.1"
"modId": "efgh3995-b1d9-473d-aa11-0836c0a595ad",
"name": "Explosive Goats beta",
"version": "0.5.42"

Values are strings, unless mentioned otherwise.
See {{Link|Arma Reforger:Startup Parameters#Hosting}} and the {{Link|Arma Reforger:Server Config|Server Config}} page for more information.

===== dedicatedServerId =====
==== config ====
Used by the "Favourite" system. If not provided, the backend will provide a new ID and save it to the config file. It is recommended to server administrators to store this ID safe to ensure to keep their playerbase in case of a server migration or a config accident.
The Server exe uses the {{hl|-config}} {{Link|Arma Reforger:Startup Parameters|startup parameter}} to target the configuration file.
ArmaReforgerServer.exe -config ".\Configs\Campaign_SWCoast.json"
In above example, Campaign_SWCoast.json is expected to be locted in Configs folder next to the exe.

{{{!}} class="wikitable sortable" style="float: right; margin: 0 0 0.5em 1.5em"
==== maxFPS ====
{{!}}+ Common {{Wikipedia|ISO 3166-1 alpha-2}} values:
{{Feature|warning|As of '''0.9.8''' it is '''heavily recommended''' to use {{Link|Arma Reforger:Startup Parameters#maxFPS|this}} {{Link|Arma Reforger:Startup Parameters|startup parameter}}, set to a value in the 60..120 range; otherwise, the server can try to use all the available resources!}}
! Code
ArmaReforgerServer.exe -maxFPS 60
! Country
{{!}} US
{{!}} USA
{{!}} DE
{{!}} Germany
{{!}} CN
{{!}} China
{{!}} CZ
{{!}} Czech Republic
{{!}} FR
{{!}} France
{{!}} GB
{{!}} United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
{{!}} RU
{{!}} Russian Federation
{{!}} JP
{{!}} Japan
{{!}} AU
{{!}} Australia
===== region =====
ID / name of region - it is needed when the server registers the launched game in the Lobby. {{Wikipedia|ISO 3166-1 alpha-2}} code can be used in this field.
Usual Nitrado values:
* "EU-FFM"
* "US-LA"
* "US-MI"

===== gameHostBindAddress =====
==== server ====
IP for client connection.
This parameter instructs the executable to launch '''local''' server and '''load selected world'''. When this parameter is used, config is ignored. Server parameter can be combined with {{Link|Arma Reforger:Startup Parameters#addons|addons}} and {{Link|Arma Reforger:Startup Parameters#addonsDir|addonsDir}} parameters to start a server with local mods, which can be useful when testing addon before uploading it Workshop.  
{{Feature|important|IP'''v6''' is '''not''' supported by {{armaR}} v0.9.5.}}
ArmaReforgerServer.exe -server "worlds/MP/MPTest.ent" -addonsDir "C:\MyModsDir" -addons MyCustomMod

===== gameHostBindPort =====
==== Others ====
number value, range 1..65535, default: 2001
The below {{Link|Arma Reforger:Startup Parameters}} are optional but may prove useful upon some cases:
* {{Link|Arma Reforger:Startup Parameters#logStats|logStats}} - allows to log server's FPS every x milliseconds
* {{Link|Arma Reforger:Startup Parameters#logLevel|logLevel}} - sets the log detail level
* {{Link|Arma Reforger:Startup Parameters#listScenarios|listScenarios}} - logs available scenario {{hl|.conf}} file paths on startup

===== gameHostRegisterBindAddress =====
=== Configuration File ===
IP for backend registration
{{Feature|important|IP'''v6''' is '''not''' supported by {{armaR}} v0.9.5.}}

===== gameHostRegisterPort =====
See {{Link|Arma Reforger:Server Config}}.
number value, range 1..65535, default: 2001

Port for backend registration

===== adminPassword =====
{{ArgTitle|2|Player-Hosted Server|{{GVI|armaR|0.9.7}}}}
Defines the server's admin password, allows a server administrator to login and control the server, to access this either open the chat input box by pressing {{Controls|C}} in the lobby or {{Controls|enter}} in-game followed by: {{hl|#login [the admin password]}}

===== game =====
Also known as '''Listen Server''', a '''Player-Hosted Server''' is a server also hosting a local player.
Define the server's settings - see the [[#game 2|game]] section below.
Such server is started from within the game, in {{hl|Multiplayer > Host tab > Host new server}}.
{{Feature|important|Only '''one''' scenario can be defined - {{armaR}} does '''not''' allow for mission rotation as of v0.9.5.}}

==== game ====
{{Feature|PC|Player-hosting is only available on PC.}}

===== name =====
=== Settings ===
length 0..100 characters

===== password =====
The settings are all self-explanatory and {{Link|#Dedicated Server}} can be used.
length 0..x characters

Password required to join the server.
==== Scenario Selection ====
'''Scenario''' and '''Source''' are two related fields:
* '''Scenario''' is the list of all available scenarios
* '''Source''' is a read-only field telling from which mod (or {{armaR}}) the selected Scenario is.

===== scenarioId =====
==== Crossplay ====
The scenario's {{hl|.conf}} file path is defined here.
This option allows console players to join - see {{Link|#supportedGameClientTypes}}.
See the [[Arma Reforger:Startup Parameters#listScenarios|listScenarios]] startup parameter to list available scenarios and obtain their {{hl|.conf}} file path.

===== gameNumber =====
=== Mods ===
number value, range 1..9999

Add a suffix to the server's name, if more servers hosted by script (typically in data centers) - e.g "Server Name - 56"
This tab allows to enable or disable local mods to make them available to the hosted game (or not). The {{Link|Arma Reforger:Workshop}} is accessible from here.

===== playerCountLimit =====
number value, range 1..256, default: 127

Set the maximum amount of players on the server.
== Linux Server ==

===== autojoinable =====
The game server will by default use Docker container's IP for server browser registration and client connection which will cause failure during client connection attempt.<br>
bool value, default: false
To avoid it use:
* Run the "ipconfig" command in cmd to list the local IPs
* "IP Connect" option in the server browser and insert one of the server's local IPs
* Custom server config (.json file) with "gameHostRegisterBindAddress" and "gameHostRegisterPort" parameters set to one of the local IP:Port combinations
-config "./My_Config.json"

Set if the session can be selected through the auto join feature.
=== SteamCMD Setup ===

===== visible =====
{{Feature|important|This tutorial has been tested on '''Ubuntu'''.}}
bool value, default: true

Set the visibility of the server in the Server Browser.
# Install SteamCMD - for the latest documentation, see {{Link|}}
## Download and install it (link on the {{Link||SteamCMD}} page) - it will auto-update to the latest version
## Set the install path with the {{hl|force_install_dir}} command (otherwise the default location will be used, {{hl|home/<username>/.steam/steam/steamcmd}})
### You can name the folder ''arma-reforger, armaR, armarserver, armarexpserver'' and etc
## Login as anonymous - type in {{hl|login anonymous}}
# Download and install the server {{hl|app_update 1874900}}
## ''1890870'' for experimental version
# Quit SteamCMD {{hl|quit}}

===== gameProperties =====
{{Feature|informative|To run {{armaR}}'s server, run {{hl|./ArmaReforgerServer}} in the installation directory.}}
Define the scenario's settings - see the [[#gameProperties 2|gameProperties]] section below.

===== mods =====
==== Example Script ====
The list of mods required by the client. They will automatically be downloaded and activated on join.
; update_armar_ds.txt
Based on the {{Link||SteamCMD}} page's example
<syntaxhighlight lang="bash">
// update_armar_ds.txt
@ShutdownOnFailedCommand 1
@NoPromptForPassword 1
force_install_dir ../armar_ds
login anonymous
app_update 1874900 validate

==== gameProperties ====
; Execution
<syntaxhighlight lang="bash">steamcmd +runscript update_armar_ds.txt</syntaxhighlight>

===== serverMaxViewDistance =====
==== With Bash Scripts ====
number value, range 500..10000, default: 1600
# Install SteamCMD<syntaxhighlight lang="bash">sudo apt install steamcmd</syntaxhighlight>
# create a directory lets say <code>armaR</code> somewhere, lets say <code>/home/<username>/armaR</code>
===== serverMinGrassDistance =====
# Create in it a steam shell script that will install reforger server <code>steamShell.txt</code> with something like <syntaxhighlight lang="bash">
number value, range 0 / 50..150, default: 0
@ShutdownOnFailedCommand 1
login anonymous
Minimum grass distance in meters. If set to 0 no distance is forced upon clients.
// Stable ID: 1874900 EXP: 1890870
app_update 1874900 validate
===== fastValidation =====
bool value, default: false
# then create bash script that will install/update game <code></code> with: <syntaxhighlight lang="bash">
Validation of map entities and components loaded on client when it joins, ensuring things match with initial server state.
/usr/games/steamcmd +force_install_dir /home/<username>/armaR +runscript /home/<username>/armaR/steamShell.txt
* true (enabled) - minimum information required to make sure data matches is exchanged between client. When a mismatch occurs, no additional information will be available for determining where client and server states start to differ.<!--
--> All servers that expect clients to connect over internet should have fast validation enabled.
# after that, server startup script <code></code> with: <syntaxhighlight lang="bash">
* false (disabled) - extra data for every replicated entity and component in the map will be transferred when new client connects to the server.<!--
// Install or Update game
--> When a mismatch occurs, it is possible to point at particular entity or component where things start to differ.<!--
--> When developing locally (ie. both server and client run on the same machine), it is fine to disable fast validation to more easily pin point source of the problem.
// Start server
./ArmaReforgerServer -config /home/<username>/.config/ArmaReforgerServer/config.json -profile /home/<username>/.config/ArmaReforgerServer -maxFPS 60
{{Feature|warning|'''Always''' keep this value to {{hl|true}} for a public server!}}
# So the actual file tree will look something like this: <syntaxhighlight lang="bash">
===== networkViewDistance =====
number value, range 500.5000, default: 500
Maximum network streaming range of replicated entities.
# Then create actual <code>config.json</code> at <code>/home/<username>/.config/ArmaReforgerServer/config.json</code>, create folders if they don't exist
# Run <code></code> to install the server and start it.

===== battlEye =====
bool value

true to enable BattlEye, false to disable it.
Console logs etc can be found in above mentioned profile folder, addons will also install there by default, you can again change that.

===== disableThirdPerson =====
You can also change profile/config directories as desired.{{Feature|informative|You can then create new service for systemctl to run and the thing will run in the background and auto restart after crashes etc}}
bool value, default: false

Force clients to use the first-person view.
=== LinuxGSM ===

==== missionHeader ====
The {{Link||{{arma}} LinuxGSM Tool}} can also be used.
This property overwrites the scenario's {{hl|[enfusion://ResourceManager/~ArmaReforger:scripts/Game/Mission/SCR_MissionHeaderCampaign.c SCR_MissionHeaderCampaign]}}.

==== Template ====
# It can monitor the game server by checking that the proccess is running and querying it. Should the server go offline LinuxGSM can restart the server and send you an alert. You can use cronjobs to setup monitoring.
<syntaxhighlight lang="json">
# Update checks for any server updates and applies them. The server will update and restart only if required. '''This also needs to be set up on a schedule.'''
"dedicatedServerId": "",
"region": "",
"gameHostBindAddress": "",
"gameHostBindPort": 0,
"gameHostRegisterBindAddress": "",
"gameHostRegisterPort": 0,
"game": {
"name": "",
"password": "",
"scenarioId": "",
"playerCountLimit": 0,
"visible": true,
"gameProperties": {
"serverMaxViewDistance": 0,
"serverMinGrassDistance": 0,
"networkViewDistance": 0,
"disableThirdPerson": false,
"fastValidation": true,
"battlEye": true
"mods": []

== Linux Setup ==
{{Feature|informative|For server's experimental version, add <code>appid{{=}}"1890870"</code> to your <code>./lgsm/config-lgsm/armarserver/armarserver.cfg</code> and validate files by <code>./armarserver v</code>.}}

=== Docker Setup ===
The game server will by default use Docker container's IP for server browser registration and client connection which will cause failure during client connection attempt.<br>
To avoid it use:
* Run the "ipconfig" command in cmd to list the local IPs
* "IP Connect" option in the server browser and insert one of the server's local IPs
* Custom server config (.json file) with "gameHostRegisterBindAddress" and "gameHostRegisterPort" parameters set to one of the local IP:Port combinations
-config "./My_Config.json"

=== Docker ===
{{Feature|important|This Docker configuration is adapted to '''Ubuntu'''. Other distributions such as Fedora or Arch Linux may store their certificates at the following location: {{hl|/etc/pki/ca-trust/}} - be sure to edit the configuration accordingly.}}

{{Feature|informative|A community Docker image is available on GitHub:}}
A community Docker image is available on GitHub:

# Install latest Docker [ download link]
# Install the latest Docker:
## {{Link||Download}} and install Docker
## [ Enable Hyper-V in Windows] if it is not already
## [ Enable Hyper-V in Windows] if it is not already
## Assign HW resources in {{hl|Docker/Settings/Resources/Advanced}}:
## Assign HW resources in {{hl|Docker/Settings/Resources/Advanced}}:
### CPU: 4 cores
### CPU: 4 cores
### Memory: 6 GB
### Memory: 6 GB
# Download Ubuntu 18.04 image ''via'' batch or powershell cmd: {{ic|docker pull ubuntu:18.04}}
# Download Ubuntu 18.04 image ''via'' batch or powershell cmd: {{hl|docker pull ubuntu:18.04}}
# Run Ubuntu image
# Run Ubuntu image:
## mount volume with server data
## mount volume with server data
## expose client connection UDP port
## expose client connection UDP port
## Example: {{ic|docker container run -t -d -p 2001:2001/udp -v D:\server_data\linux_packed:/home/packed --name ubuntu_test ubuntu:18.04}}
## Example: {{hl|docker container run -t -d -p 2001:2001/udp -v D:\server_data\linux_packed:/home/packed --name ubuntu_test ubuntu:18.04}}
# Connect to bash console: {{ic|docker exec -it ubuntu_test /bin/bash}}
# Connect to bash console: {{hl|docker exec -it ubuntu_test /bin/bash}}
# Install necessary SW
# Install necessary software:
## libcurl4 - required by server app
## libcurl4 - required by server app
## net-tools - for debug purposes (enables ifconfig etc)
## net-tools - for debug purposes (enables ifconfig etc)
Line 326: Line 215:
### apt-get install net-tools
### apt-get install net-tools
### apt-get install libssl1.1
### apt-get install libssl1.1
# Create folder for logs, e.g: {{ic|mkdir /home/profile}}
# Create logs directory, e.g: {{hl|mkdir /home/profile}}
# Run server
# Run server:
## server executable needs proper execution/access rights:
## server executable needs proper execution/access rights:
### cd server_root_folder
### cd server_root_folder
### chmod +x ArmaReforgerServer
### chmod +x ArmaReforgerServer
## Example: {{ic|./ArmaReforgerServer -gproj ./addons/data/ArmaReforger.gproj -config Configs/ServerConfig/Campaign.json -backendlog -nothrow -profile /home/profile}}
## Example: {{hl|./ArmaReforgerServer -gproj ./addons/data/ArmaReforger.gproj -config Configs/ServerConfig/Campaign.json -backendlog -nothrow -profile /home/profile}}


Latest revision as of 15:04, 9 September 2024

Server Hosting is the fact of hosting a game instance accessible over the network to other players. There are two possible modes in Arma Reforger: player-hosted and dedicated.

Connection fails from the outside if the door is closed.

For a hosted server to be visible from outside the local network (e.g from internet), Port Forwarding must be used.

Please refer to your router's user guide for assistance.

Main router brands's documentation links:

Dedicated Server

A Dedicated Server is a server without any game instance launched; it purely processes game information and network synchronisation.

stable is app id: 1874900 -

experimental: 1890870 -


See BattlEye's documentation and FAQ - there is also a BattlEye wiki article.

It is possible to modify BattlEye's RCon port and password by adding the following settings to Arma Reforger\BattlEye\BEServer_x64.cfg:

RConPort 5678
RConPassword myNewBEPassword
When editing Arma Reforger's BattlEye config, make sure to append new settings to it and not erase or even edit existing information.

Missing information will have the kick message "Missing GameID/MasterPort server config settings" welcome (and eject) players, whereas modified values will prevent BattlEye from working.
In the event of the file being already incorrectly edited, verify the game's files on Steam (see Steam's tutorial):

  • delete BEServer_x64.cfg
  • in Steam, right-click on Arma Reforger
  • select "Properties"
  • click on "Local Files"
  • press "Verify integrity of game files"
Steam will now verify and repair modified files. This will not erase any personal files, game progress, controls and other configurations will remain unchanged.

Startup Parameters

See Startup Parameters - Hosting and the Server Config page for more information.


The Server exe uses the -config startup parameter to target the configuration file.

ArmaReforgerServer.exe -config ".\Configs\Campaign_SWCoast.json"

In above example, Campaign_SWCoast.json is expected to be locted in Configs folder next to the exe.


As of 0.9.8 it is heavily recommended to use this startup parameter, set to a value in the 60..120 range; otherwise, the server can try to use all the available resources!
ArmaReforgerServer.exe -maxFPS 60


This parameter instructs the executable to launch local server and load selected world. When this parameter is used, config is ignored. Server parameter can be combined with addons and addonsDir parameters to start a server with local mods, which can be useful when testing addon before uploading it Workshop.

ArmaReforgerServer.exe -server "worlds/MP/MPTest.ent" -addonsDir "C:\MyModsDir" -addons MyCustomMod


The below Startup Parameters are optional but may prove useful upon some cases:

  • logStats - allows to log server's FPS every x milliseconds
  • logLevel - sets the log detail level
  • listScenarios - logs available scenario .conf file paths on startup

Configuration File

See Server Config.

Player-Hosted Server

Also known as Listen Server, a Player-Hosted Server is a server also hosting a local player. Such server is started from within the game, in Multiplayer > Host tab > Host new server.

Player-hosting is only available on PC.


The settings are all self-explanatory and Dedicated Server can be used.

Scenario Selection

Scenario and Source are two related fields:

  • Scenario is the list of all available scenarios
  • Source is a read-only field telling from which mod (or Arma Reforger) the selected Scenario is.


This option allows console players to join - see supportedGameClientTypes.


This tab allows to enable or disable local mods to make them available to the hosted game (or not). The Workshop is accessible from here.

Linux Server

The game server will by default use Docker container's IP for server browser registration and client connection which will cause failure during client connection attempt.
To avoid it use:

  • Run the "ipconfig" command in cmd to list the local IPs
  • "IP Connect" option in the server browser and insert one of the server's local IPs
  • Custom server config (.json file) with "gameHostRegisterBindAddress" and "gameHostRegisterPort" parameters set to one of the local IP:Port combinations


-config "./My_Config.json"

SteamCMD Setup

This tutorial has been tested on Ubuntu.
  1. Install SteamCMD - for the latest documentation, see
    1. Download and install it (link on the SteamCMD page) - it will auto-update to the latest version
    2. Set the install path with the force_install_dir command (otherwise the default location will be used, home/<username>/.steam/steam/steamcmd)
      1. You can name the folder arma-reforger, armaR, armarserver, armarexpserver and etc
    3. Login as anonymous - type in login anonymous
  2. Download and install the server app_update 1874900
    1. 1890870 for experimental version
  3. Quit SteamCMD quit
To run Arma Reforger's server, run ./ArmaReforgerServer in the installation directory.

Example Script


Based on the SteamCMD page's example

// update_armar_ds.txt
@ShutdownOnFailedCommand 1
@NoPromptForPassword 1
force_install_dir ../armar_ds
login anonymous
app_update 1874900 validate
steamcmd +runscript update_armar_ds.txt

With Bash Scripts

  1. Install SteamCMD
    sudo apt install steamcmd
  2. create a directory lets say armaR somewhere, lets say /home/<username>/armaR
  3. Create in it a steam shell script that will install reforger server steamShell.txt with something like
    @ShutdownOnFailedCommand 1
    login anonymous
    // Stable ID: 1874900 EXP: 1890870
    app_update 1874900 validate
  4. then create bash script that will install/update game with:
    /usr/games/steamcmd +force_install_dir /home/<username>/armaR +runscript /home/<username>/armaR/steamShell.txt
  5. after that, server startup script with:
    // Install or Update game
    // Start server
    ./ArmaReforgerServer -config /home/<username>/.config/ArmaReforgerServer/config.json -profile /home/<username>/.config/ArmaReforgerServer -maxFPS 60
  6. So the actual file tree will look something like this:
  7. Then create actual config.json at /home/<username>/.config/ArmaReforgerServer/config.json, create folders if they don't exist
  8. Run to install the server and start it.

Console logs etc can be found in above mentioned profile folder, addons will also install there by default, you can again change that.

You can also change profile/config directories as desired.

You can then create new service for systemctl to run and the thing will run in the background and auto restart after crashes etc


The Arma LinuxGSM Tool can also be used.

  1. It can monitor the game server by checking that the proccess is running and querying it. Should the server go offline LinuxGSM can restart the server and send you an alert. You can use cronjobs to setup monitoring.
  2. Update checks for any server updates and applies them. The server will update and restart only if required. This also needs to be set up on a schedule.

For server's experimental version, add appid="1890870" to your ./lgsm/config-lgsm/armarserver/armarserver.cfg and validate files by ./armarserver v.

Docker Setup

This Docker configuration is adapted to Ubuntu. Other distributions such as Fedora or Arch Linux may store their certificates at the following location: /etc/pki/ca-trust/ - be sure to edit the configuration accordingly.
A community Docker image is available on GitHub:
  1. Install the latest Docker:
    1. Download and install Docker
    2. Enable Hyper-V in Windows if it is not already
    3. Assign HW resources in Docker/Settings/Resources/Advanced:
      1. CPU: 4 cores
      2. Memory: 6 GB
  2. Download Ubuntu 18.04 image via batch or powershell cmd: docker pull ubuntu:18.04
  3. Run Ubuntu image:
    1. mount volume with server data
    2. expose client connection UDP port
    3. Example: docker container run -t -d -p 2001:2001/udp -v D:\server_data\linux_packed:/home/packed --name ubuntu_test ubuntu:18.04
  4. Connect to bash console: docker exec -it ubuntu_test /bin/bash
  5. Install necessary software:
    1. libcurl4 - required by server app
    2. net-tools - for debug purposes (enables ifconfig etc)
    3. Installation:
      1. apt-get update
      2. apt-get install libcurl4
      3. apt-get install net-tools
      4. apt-get install libssl1.1
  6. Create logs directory, e.g: mkdir /home/profile
  7. Run server:
    1. server executable needs proper execution/access rights:
      1. cd server_root_folder
      2. chmod +x ArmaReforgerServer
    2. Example: ./ArmaReforgerServer -gproj ./addons/data/ArmaReforger.gproj -config Configs/ServerConfig/Campaign.json -backendlog -nothrow -profile /home/profile