Animated Opening – Arma 3
From Bohemia Interactive Community
The Animated Opening framework allows you to easily create campaign openings by animating pictures using a timeline.
- Easy to setup
- Timeline based
- Can be easily synced to music or dialogues using the timeline
- Skippable
The framework provides the designer with simple ways to manage picture and texts and to quickly animate them efficiently. The framework also lets you organize pictures and text in layers so that you can easily manage which pictures stay on top on which stay on the bottom. It provides several ways to animate pictures: scaling, moving, rotating, blinking/pulsing and fading.
- Enhanced version of the BIS_fnc_eventTimeline function
- Sets up the opening
- Initializes the animatedScreen function
- Creates the initial black out
- starts the event timeline by calling BIS_fnc_eventTimeline function
- holdKey setup (for skipping the opening)
Parameter | Description |
timeline | 2D ARRAY: see BIS_fnc_eventTimeline |
pointer | NUMBER: see BIS_fnc_eventTimeline |
music | (opt) - STRING: see BIS_fnc_eventTimeline |
- Essential system of the Animated Briefings, but the function can be used for different purposes
- It executes the code fragments at given time (keyframes)
- It can play the events from start or from a defined position (index)
- It can be interrupted from outside
- user defined code can be executed onInterrupt or onFinished
Parameter | Description |
timeline | 2D ARRAY: array with keyframes and code to be activated at a certain time |
pointer | NUMBER: where to start playing (index) |
music | (OPTIONAL) - STRING: music to be played which will provide the sync time for the timeline |
codeInterrupt | (OPTIONAL) - CODE: code to be executed if the timeline is interrupted (missionNamespace setVariable ["BIS_fnc_eventTimeline_play", FALSE]) |
codeStop | (OPTIONAL) - CODE or ARRAY: code or array of codes to be executed once the timeline is finshed. The codes are CALLed one after the other. |
- Handles pictures, texts, layers, animations
- Provides ways to create, destroy, reset all layers
- Can animate pictures and texts in several ways (scaling, moving, rotating, etc...)
- Operates in different ways depending on which parameters are passed
Parameter | Description |
timeline | 2D ARRAY: array with keyframes and code to be activated at a certain time |
pointer | NUMBER: where to start playing (index) |
music | (OPTIONAL) - STRING: music to be played which will provide the sync time for the timeline |
codeInterrupt | (OPTIONAL) - CODE: code to be executed if the timeline is interrupted (missionNamespace setVariable ["BIS_fnc_eventTimeline_play", FALSE]) |
codeStop | (OPTIONAL) - CODE or ARRAY: code or array of codes to be executed once the timeline is finshed. The codes are CALLed one after the other. |