Missile flight profiles – Arma 3
From Bohemia Interactive Community
Flight phases
Example Configuration
class my_launcher : MissileLauncher
modes[] = { "Direct", "TopDown" };
class Direct : Mode_SemiAuto
textureType = "direct";
displayName = "Direct";
class TopDown : Direct
textureType = "topdown";
displayName = "Top-down";
class my_missile : MissileBase
lockSeekRadius = 100;
flightProfiles[] = { "Direct", "TopDown", "LoalDistance", "LoalAltitude", "Overfly", "Cruise" };
class Direct
class TopDown : Direct
ascendHeight = 150.0;
descendDistance = 200.0;
minDistance = 150.0;
ascendAngle = 70.0;
class LoalDistance : Direct
lockSeekDistanceFromParent = 300.0;
class LoalAltitude : Direct
lockSeekAltitude = 100.0;
class Overfly : Direct
overflyElevation = 4.0;
class Cruise : Direct
preferredFlightAltitude = 50.0;
In this case, the launcher is capable of using Direct and TopDown flight profiles and the missile is capable of all the flight profiles. Thus - in the game - the player/AI will only be capable of switching between Direct and TopDown flight profile. If there will be another flight profile declared in the launcher - let’s call it XY - it would not be available to player/AI, because the ammunition does not support it.