Game logic - Logic label – Ylands

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Logic label is a collection of game logic. Game logic can be easily added or removed from a label, either by editing the label properties or trough visual scripting instructions. It is possible to check whenever a game logic is part of a label and utilize this information in a game script.

  • Each game logic can be part of any number of Labels.
  • Label collection is dynamic. It is possible to add/remove game logic during play.

Spawn points:

  • It is possible to group Spawn points in a Logic label and use it as spawn place in Player role and Player team. Player spawn is then selected randomly from the collection.


  • New game logic assigned trough script are put at the end of the list.



  • List of Game logic belonging to current Label.
  • Click + to add new entries and then use picker to select entity from scene.

Logic label events

Related instructions

Logic label

Game logic

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