Community Portal – Bohemia Interactive Community talk

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What purpose can this have, when the whole page is Community Portal? Links to other pages related to OFP / ArmA?

--Suma 17:14, 4 April 2006 (CEST)

What do we do with the mods list? I mean we'll get a pretty long list as soon as the wiki is open... any ideas? An extra page for community mods? Well, I think that we'll have full pages for certain mods soon also.

--Raedor 01:51, 25 May 2006 (CEST)

We can create a mod category and then each mod could have thier own sub category. I don't think we should include the word addon, that might indicate you can list every addon ever made or that can be made clear in the new category.

hoz 03:58, 25 May 2006 (CEST)

Codarl 02:25, 26 May 2006 (CEST) I already made a objective page with all things that you can use to replace/enhance aspects of the game with, I think that if the mods and myself keep this up-to-date, it's enough addonlisting we do here.

There could, however, be a page where addon elements are highlighted and explained. For example the fact the Bronco addon had the first "Hud", and how it worked. If you combine the knowledge of addons such as a Hud, roping scripts, MFD's, ejection seats, non-reloadable AT launchers, and more of those extra's into a subcategory, it'd serve this wiki well.

About the moderation issue: I think you could start to scan the official forums now for candidates that are fit to do this. There are plenty of capable humans on the forum, and I am sure a wide variety of people will do this system good. Currently, I feel a little intimidated by the overdose of OFPEC-members here, but that's no big deal. The point is that this wiki will at some point live on itself, with Bis members only coming here to look for tiny errors about features and games.


Do we really want to differ between "homapages" and Mod pages? I mean the only difference is that the homepages are "1-man-mods" and a Modpage has a full team... the homepages not related to OFP aren't too interesting for the community anyway.

We could make a subsection for Mission pages.

Also we should think about to split the mod links a bit more (Total Conversion; East/West; WW2; Replacement; ...)

--Raedor 13:20, 3 June 2006 (CEST)

I don't see why we wouldnt have seperate mod pages for each mod. This doesn't have to be a place where the down load exists but perhaps a summary of units, or history of the mod, perhaps who worked on it, external links, etc. See OFPEC, this is the type of thing I would think we would see /encourage from mods. maybe we need definitions on differences between mod / plain old addons.

Re: missions, I don't think we should be adding or allowing people to add thier missions to the wiki, certainly we can include links to sites that hosts many missions where they are rated I think this would be acceptable. This would also encourage users to submit thier missions to these types of sites, both benefitting site ops, and the community as a whole. If you add selectively missions, which you think are good, then there could be some arugments about what everyone idea of good is.

I think Mods should be split into a category on its own, and then sub categoried into types like you mentioned.

Good discussion here, lets have more...

hoz 18:44, 3 June 2006 (CEST)

To clarify this: I just don't think we need links to the private pages of community members (Homepages) and if a single person has an addons site, we can list it as "mod". Own pages for bigger mods aren't that bad, but but for that we'd have to define "bigger"...

I agree with you that we don't need to have links to single missions, but to sites with mission databases.

For the categories of the mods: we should start to make a list somewhere... ;) Do we sort them

--Raedor 23:51, 3 June 2006 (CEST)

I think it doesn't really matter what 'we want' here. Way too many missions/addons/tool urls will be added to keep the community portal page as it is.

I think the only solution will be to move the links into subpages where they're sorted after some sort of category.