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Returns array with current operator of UAV and his vehicle role in UAV. If nobody is controlling the UAV, the command tries to find any person with connected terminal to this UAV, in which case the vehicle role is an empty string. If command cannot find anyone, output is [objNull, ""].

Since Arma 3 v1.95.146028 this command returns both driver and gunner units if the UAV is controlled by 2 players. Here is the list of all expected outputs:
  • [player1, "DRIVER"] - player1 is controlling the UAV and is the pilot
  • [player2, "GUNNER"] - player2 is controlling the UAV and is the gunner
  • [player1, "DRIVER", player2, "GUNNER"] - player1 is controlling the UAV and is the pilot, player2 is controlling UAV and is the gunner
  • [player3, ""] - no one is controlling the UAV, player3 is connected to the UAV via terminal, but not controlling it yet
  • [objNull, ""] - nobody is controlling or connected to the UAV

This command works only for vehicles, to get a unit remote controlling a unit, see Example 3 on the remoteControl page.


UAVControl uav
uav: Object
Return Value:
Array - in format [unit, vehicleRole] (or sometimes [unit1, vehicleRole, unit2, vehicleRole], see description), where:
  • unit: Object - UAV operator
  • vehicleRole: String - vehicle role of the operator in UAV. Could be "DRIVER", "GUNNER" or "" (see description)


Example 1:
UAVControl uav;

Additional Information

See also:


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