SniperAndy – User talk
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- The final size doesn't matter (well, it should be fairly large, so you can see detail), but the thumbnails should fit into the layout we have now (size and proportion-wise). Kronzky
- I added 2 images as testers, is this the direction we want to head to or not?
- Just wondering cause I dont want to waste any time on this if you got different stuff on your mind! --SniperAndy
- We should definitely go with color. The bottom part of the first one is nice, but we need to show some equipment in the upper part - rather than just smoke and skies...;) Kronzky
- OK, I see what you mean. I will setup a fire misson for this then. So I can picture the Artillery fire and capture it in Observer.
- Should it also feature the Artillery that comes with USArmy1 as well?
- Another questions, is it possible to add a Article to my own space or only to the entire Biki? Something like the BW Mod thing for example.--SniperAndy
- It doesn't matter too much which artillery module you use, as long as you let me know which one it is.
- To create an article to your sandbox you do the same as for the regular Biki: just enter the prospective URL in your browser, and the wiki will then ask you whether you want to create/edit that page.
- So, in case of your sandbox you would enter something like this:
- Kronzky, how do I link a article into my page? And if you have the time, can you edit the AIV article I put on? --SniperAndy
- It's looking great, that AIV article! Guess you're getting the hang of this wiki after all...;)
- To link to that (or any other article you basically take the full headline of an article and enclose it in double brackets: [[SniperAndy%27s_Sandbox/AustraliansInVietnam]]. If you want the caption of that link to be different put in a vertical bar after the URL, and then the caption: [[SniperAndy%27s_Sandbox/AustraliansInVietnam|Australians in Vietnam]]. (And you can have spaces in titles, btw. But we'll fix that once we move it to it's permanent place.) --Kronzky 17:03, 2 August 2006 (CEST)
- Slowly, slowly mate. Still got my problems. To used to webdesign, php and html I guess. But thanks to your help I get the basic idea of it. I saw what you edited in the article already. Looks good mate.
- About the Artilery, for some reason my VBS returns very weird/dark screens atm. Soon as I got this sorted I send the pics your way. Together with some other stuff ;) ---SniperAndy 18:23, 2 August 2006 (CEST)
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Please use preview and do not fill history and recent changes with so many minor changes.
--Str 19:45, 1 August 2006 (CEST)
Yeah I have seen this today (1st day really active) and I'm aware of this now --SniperAndy