Czechoslovak Peoples Army

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Template:Infobox mod

Template:Infobox mod

Czechoslovak People Army (CSLA) is full modification of Operation Flashpoint which adds new czechoslovak units, weapons, vehicles and many other features.


CSLA Mod was founded in late 2001 by Leon and Maa. Abbreviation CSLA come from Československá Lidová Armáda (Czechoslovak People's Army). Original authors (Leon was Czech, Maa was Slovak) wanted to make something touching both nations, and since original OFP took place in 1985, they chose the army of former Czechoslovakia.

Their first addon, was released in January 2001, only six months after release of OFP. CSLA 1 addon included just retextured BI models and weapons with altered config, but it was more than enough back in those times. The units were used in „Operation Paranoid“ campaign. Almost all Czech mission-makers used it in their missions.

In January 2004, CSLA 2 was released and became a complete game modification. It brought many new units, vehicles and weapons and also new missions and one extremely long and crazy campaign „Red Head“, featuring naked women and 60-minutes intro. CSLA 2.1 (also known as Update 1) arrived 30th June 2006 with new Resitance (FIA) units, remake of campaign from CSLA1, many fixes, brand new effects and reworked GUI. In those times, CSLA Mod started cooperation with many acknowledged mod teams and individuals, among others Mapfact, RHS, FDF, FFUR.

Operation Lacerta, which design proposed more realism, military-style missions and fictious desert units and environment, was stopped after CSLA Mod team was offered participation on projects of Bohemia Interactive Australia. In 2005, Terrain Pack 3 for VBS1 was co-developed by CSLA and BIA. Team members still participate on development of addons for Virtual Battlespace System.

CSLA 2.2, which is still under development, is prepared in cooperation with Python Art Studio and will bring more MP friendliness, addons and missions. New Army of the Czech Republic units (ACR) will be added, including woodland and desert soldiers and vehicles. Weapon a armor parameters are being modified in order to achieve a perfect blend between gameplay and realism. Besides this, CSLA team contributed also to ArmA.

Along with many Czechoslovak community members, CSLA takes part in preparation of FlashFoundry, a meeting and workshop for local addon-making community.

CSLA 3 is work title for Czechoslovak part of Germany 1985 mod for Arma. CSLA team (including PAS) wants to bring selection of CSLA units into G85 supermod. Main priority of associated mission makers is to create real single-player campaign about cold war conflict from the point of view of Czechoslovak soldiers.


  • More then 400 new units, vehicles and weapons.
  • "FIA Pack", featuring new partisan soldiers and units for Resistance side.
  • Resistance fighters are available for West ("Local resistance") and East ("Communist guerillas) sides as well to enchance the possibilities for mission makers.
  • Replacement of many original units of West and East (soldiers, weapons, M113, Humvee, UH-60).
  • Enhaced GFX and SFX effects.
  • Totally reworked GUI (Graphical User Interface).
  • Two long campaigns.
  • A lot of new single- and multiplayer missions.

Features prepared for Update II

  • Army of the Czech Republic (ACR) soldiers and vehicles in woodland and desert camo (made by Python Art Studio)
  • CSLA Expedition forces, including new desert soldier and vehicles.

External links

CSLA mod site

Python Art Studio (creators of ACR)

BI forums thread


NBC Troopers
Guerilla units