Tutorial (Ressourcelink) Collection
From Bohemia Interactive Community
This Collection is supposed to provide all the information which are needed for all thinkable cases. So it containes user created Tutorials as well as Developer provided ones. Also included are Documents and Video tutorials as well as technical information.
- History Update History
- Resources Official Resources
- Documents Reference Documents
- and suggested Tools required and suggested Tools
- Tutorials Complete Tutorials
- preperations common preperations
- heightmap generating heightmap
- Sat and Mask Map creating Sat and Mask Map
- about configs and scriptfiles all about configs and scriptfiles
- Objects handling Objects
- processes and packing final processes and packing
- errors and their reasons know errors and their reasons
- Troubleshooting
Update History
Tutorial Collection was created, inspired by ZeroG´s Resourcelink collection - 06-03-2012 by MemphisBelle
Official Resources
- [link | link describtion] common describtion
Reference Documents
ArmA1 Tutorials and Objectlists
- ArmA1 Visitor tutorial 2006 by Alex Sworn (including Object lists)
- ArmA1 Visitor tutorial 2006 by OPTERYX
Object Lists ArmA2OA
- Arma 2 quick start tutorial 2009 by kheiro
- | Visitor Object list 2010 by ZeroG
Object Lists Arma 3
- [link | link describtion] common describtion
required and suggested Tools
official tools
- official BIS tools 2.5.1 latest tool package
heightfield generating tools
- 3D Terrain editing tool free open source 3D content creation suite
- 3D Terrain editing tool Large 3D Terrain Generator available in a basic standart and to pay for pro version
picture editing tools
- [link | link describtion] common describtion
Complete Tutorials
PDF ressources
wiki ressources
- ArmA2 simple Tutorial 2010 by Atsche (Sgt. Ace)
- up to date Tutorial for ArmA2OA 2011/2012 by Mondkalb
- ArmA1 related Tutorial which also covers Arma 2 stuff by BIS, the community keeps working on that
other ressources
common preperations
installing the BI tools
- [link | link describtion] common describtion
setup Visitor
- [link | link describtion] common describtion
prepare the config files
- [link | link describtion] common describtion
generating heightmap
- [link | link describtion] common describtion
creating Sat and Mask Map
- [link | link describtion] common describtion
all about configs and scriptfiles
- [link | link describtion] common describtion
handling Objects
- [link | link describtion] common describtion
- [link | link describtion] common describtion
know errors and their reasons
- [link | link describtion] common describtion
final processes and packing
- [link | link describtion] common describtion