From Bohemia Interactive Community
- Description:
- Description needed
- Groups:
- Interaction
- Syntax:
- Syntax needed
- Parameters:
- [angle, frequencyMin, frequencyMax]: Array
- angle: Number - heading deviation angle in radians; the random angle will be picked up from [-angle...+angle] range.
- frequencyMin: Number - lower bound of heading change in seconds
- frequencyMax: Number - higher bound of heading change in seconds. The actual frequency is calculated similar to:
_frequencyMin + random(_frequencyMax - _frequencyMin);
- Return Value:
- Return value needed
- Example 1:
- Set compass to oscillate every second within -90/+90 degrees:
setCompassOscillation [rad 90, 1, 1];
- Example 2:
- Change heading every 60 to 90 seconds:
setCompassOscillation [rad 180, 60, 90];
- Example 3:
- Make compass go crazy:
setCompassOscillation [rad 360, 0.1, 0.2];
Additional Information
- See also:
- See also needed
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