Wrenchman1/Sandbox2 – User
From Bohemia Interactive Community
This should be a list of all the various types of configs found throughout ArmA. It also contains tutorials, if they exist, for creating your own configuration files.
It is recommended to look over Class Inheritance, as it provides an overview of how configs work, especially in regards to inheritance.
There is also a huge list of explained configs here, which is unofficial but very useful.
still grabbing stuff from (Category:Arma 3: Editing) (it doesnt let me link directly)
Multiple Games
- The PMC Editing Wiki also has some information about modding which may not (yet) be found on this wiki
- Animations - Mainly targetted towards ArmA 1 and OFP
Weapons (Vehicle and Infantry)
OFP Specific
ArmA: Armed Assault Specific
Arma 2 Specific
- Arma 2: CfgVehicles - Big list of vehicle classes
- Addon Readme Template - Could be adapted to any of the games, if you so desire
Arma 3 Specific
Tutorials and Examples
Some of these tutorials may not be about config editing, but they are useful nonetheless in the context of addon creation
- Mondkalb's Addon Tutorial - (Multigame) Helpful guide on creating basic addons. Designed for Arma 2, but applicable to 3 as well.
- Arma 3 Characters And Gear Encoding Guide - (Arma 3) Guide on how to mod Arma 3 characters
- ArmA: How to animate a model - (not sure which arma this targets) Guide on how to animate models
- LITE mod version creation guide - (Arma 3) How to make a low quality version (LITE) of a mod, usually for dedicated servers
- Quick camo selection definition guide - (Arma 3) How to easily create camo selections for models to allow reskinning even for a large amount of assets
- How to create destroyable wheels - (Probably ArmA 1) As the title suggests.
- User:Dedmen - Contains info about debugging addons
- User talk:X39 - Also info about debugging
- Arma Vehicle Hitpoint Creation - (Arma 3) Suggestions for building fire geometry and hit points for vehicles
- ArmA Build Environment Setup - (Arma 2) How to set up the Arma 2 build environment
- User:TheLastSoldier/Editing Arma 2 Terrain Tutorial - (Arma 2) As the title suggests
- Arma 3 Sound: ExampleWeaponConfig - Example config files for custom weapon sounds
- AllInOne Config - Helpful huge amount of config files, for reference