SniperAndy – User talk

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My Talk

(cleaned this out) --SniperAndy

Hi, I hope this place is correct to talk to you Sniper Andy ... (No email contact possible ...)you are free to remove it ;-)

You commented a bug report of mine:

No MP network connection after upgrade to 1.02 1.01 was (and is) fine. [1.02] Link to Forum Post. - Iron Eddie - update your firewall settings --SniperAndy

If you would have read the forum post you could have known that I did a lot of stuff and such obvious things like firewall rules were one of the first things I tried out. I feel a bit offended, beeing treated as a NOOB. It is OK now, you do not know me and that I wasted many, many hours of my precious time to get the game running again for me. I just feel a strong urge to tell you that without any negative feelings or intentions.

It was really strange to have the 1.02 ArmA with problems and the 1.01 running fine (Even without firewall ;-) After spending more than 20 hours on it I decided to reinstall my system from the scratch and it works fine again. I still do not know what the problem was, it could be a very strange side effect from network code/configuration (gamespy?) changes in the 1.02 patch or my system was lieing to me telling the firewall is not running but it did ;-) You never know ... With Windows there are a lot of things possible ;-)

So ... I wrote Hoz an email that this bug could be deleted and that BIS should not spend efforts on it until it may occur again with other users.

I also want to say thanks for doing so much to make ArmA a great experience once and helping users with their problems [this is seriously, not ironic!]. It was just a bit cheap to tell me to check my firewall ;-)

PS: Didnt you play OFP on the LOL server sometimes?

I mate, I did by no means mean to offend you or treat you like a noob. It was just not a real game bug but a problem you had (and maybe some other people). And to be honest, mots didn't update their arma.exe at their firewall after patching to 1.02. So they had of course the same report as you.
I'm glad this works now for you and that the matter is solved. Sorry again if you felt bad about me moving this from the buglist to the discussion page.
I haven't played OFP for ages. I been busy with VBS1 for the laste 2+ years and now with arma. But you will find me on the server on the weekends. --SniperAndy