Modding Structure – DayZ

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This page details the structure of DayZ mods as well as their configuration and presentation.

Mod structure

Mod is loaded using the -mod= launch parameter


Typical mod folder downloaded from steam workshop will contain:

  • Addons folder, holds the mod's .pbo files
  • Keys folder, contains public .bikey used to sign the .pbo files (required for client-server signature verification)
  • meta.cpp file, holds workshop meta data (will be automatically created during mod publishing)
  • mod.cpp optional config file, holds information for mod presentation

dayz modstructure.png

PBO structure

The only required part of .pbo is config.cpp:

class CfgPatches		// required
	class TestMod
			"DZ_Data",	// addon depedency

class CfgMods			// required in pbo's which add/modify scripts or inputs
	class TestMod
		type = "mod";										// required
		inputs = "mods\testmod\inputs\my_new_inputs.xml";	// optional, when using custom inputs
		skeletonDefinitions = "mods\testmod\skeleton\skeletons.xml";	// optional, when using custom skeletons.anim.xml
		dependencies[]={"Game"};							// optional, when you need to set class dependency

		class defs
			// optional: you can add custom imagesets like this
			class imageSets
				files[]={"mods/testmod/gui/imagesets/mod1.imageset", "mods/testmod/gui/imagesets/mod2.imageset" };

			// optional: you can add custom widget styles like this
			class widgetStyles
				files[]={"mods/testmod/gui/looknfeel/mod1.styles", "mods/testmod/gui/looknfeel/mod2.styles"};
			class engineScriptModule
				value=""; // when value is empty, default entry function is used
				files[]={"mods/testmod/scripts/1_Core"}; // you can add any number of files or directories and they will be compiled together with original game module scripts

			script module config classes are optional, define only what you want to mod
			class gameLibScriptModule

			class gameScriptModule
				value="CreateGameMod"; // when value is filled, default script module entry function name is overwritten by it

			class worldScriptModule

			class missionScriptModule

The internal structure is largely up to the modders themselves, e.g. in case of script files, it doesn't matter where they are placed as long as they are in their respective script module and paths are set properly.

Mod presentation

Configured through mod.cpp in the mod root folder, used for mod presentation in the main menu of the game:

name = "Mod name"; 								// name
picture = "Mods/TestMod/modpic.tga";			// picture in expanded description
logoSmall = "Mods/TestMod/modlogosmall.tga";	// icon next to mod name when description is not expanded
logo = "Mods/TestMod/modlogo.tga";				// logo below game menu
logoOver = "Mods/TestMod/modlogohover.tga";		// on mouse hover over logo
tooltip = "tooltip";							// tool tip on mouse hover
overview = "Bestest mod"; 						// overview
action = "";					// link
author = "modguy";								// author
version = "1.5";								// version