From Bohemia Interactive Community
- Description:
- Forces showCadetHints and showCadetWP global Cadet Arma 3 difficulty, returns previous settings.
- Groups:
- Difficulty
- Syntax:
- forceCadetDifficulty [showCadetHints, showCadetWP]
- Parameters:
- showCadetHints: Boolean - showCadetHints difficulty
- showCadetWP: Boolean - showCadetWP difficulty
- Return Value:
- Array of Booleans - [prev_showCadetHints, prev_showCadetWP]
- Example 1:
- Example 2:
- Copyprivate _fnc_forceCadetDifficulty = { params ["_OKButtonPressed"]; if (_OKButtonPressed) then { forceCadetDifficulty (switch (toLowerANSI configName ((configFile >> "CfgDifficultyPresets") select difficulty)) do { case "recruit"; case "regular": { // showCadetHints = 1; // showCadetWP = 1; [true, true] }; case "veteran": { // showCadetHints = 0; // showCadetWP = 1; [false, true] }; default { // showCadetHints = 0; // showCadetWP = 0; [false, false] }; }); }; }; [true] call _fnc_forceCadetDifficulty; [missionNamespace, "OnGameOptionsExited", _fnc_forceCadetDifficulty] call BIS_fnc_addScriptedEventHandler;
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