From Bohemia Interactive Community
- Description:
- Draws a laserbeam and a lightpoint at the impact location of the laser.
This command has to be executed every frame - see Arma 3: Mission Event Handlers - Draw3D.
Lasers drawn with this command are subject to the same limitations as weapon attachment lasers. These limitations are defined in the CfgIRLaserSettings config class. - Groups:
- InteractionLights
- Syntax:
- drawLaser [position, direction, beamColor, dotColor, dotSize, beamThickness, beamMaxLength, isIR]
- Parameters:
- position: Array format PositionASL - the laser's origin position
- direction: Array of Vector3D - the laser's direction vector
- beamColor: Array of Color (RGB) - laser beam color. The values can go way above the usual 0..1 range as they also act as emissivity brightness
- dotColor: Array of Color (RGB) - impact dot color. Set to c[] to use the same value as beamColor.
- dotSize: Number - impact dot size; if set to 0 the impact dot will not render
- beamThickness: Number - laser beam's thickness scale; if set to 0, the beam will not render
- beamMaxLength: Number - (Optional, default -1) laser beam's maximum length. -1 means maximum length (defined in CfgIRLaserSettings), 0 means no length at all and the command is ignored
- isIR: Boolean - (Optional, default true) whether the laser and impact dot are only visible with Night Vision / Thermal Imaging
- Return Value:
- Nothing
- Example 1:
- Give the player a laser eye:
CopyaddMissionEventHandler ["Draw3D", { drawLaser [ eyePos player vectorAdd [0, 0, 0.1], getCameraViewDirection player, [1000, 0, 0], // Bright red [], 5, 20, -1, false ]; }];
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