Spearhead 1944 Indirect Fire Support (IFS)
The Indirect Fire Support system provides battlefield support in various forms: mortars, artillery, CAS, and even direct support from nearby tanks.
The support occurs both by player call-in requests, as well as automatically, and is based on the available intel of enemy threats and capabilities in any given moment.
When activated via module or functions, the system operates the autonomous form of fire support in the background, depending on indirect fire support assets present in the scenario and mission setup without any action required from the player. That said, by spotting enemy units and vehicles, players, as well as friendly AI forces, will effectively provide information about possible targets to the allied supporting assets, which may affect their decision-making and behavior.
The called-in form of indirect fire support is under the player's direct control. What operations are available and any limits to the activities depend on the mission-specific setup. By using the action menu and hold actions, players can call in mortar, artillery, or CAS support or ask nearby allied tanks for direct fire support. Players can also send a request for emergency fire support that's provided by any available asset at a given moment.
Detailed information
Autonomous fire support for all sides is based on the presence of the artillery assets in the scenario and CAS presence defined in the mission setup. Amongst known enemy units and vehicles, the most tempting targets are chosen when an allied unit is at the appropriate distance to serve as the forward operator (FO). Potential targets must also meet a few additional requirements - including low enough risk for friendly fire.
When the target is accepted, the allocated artillery asset will start the aim procedure, which takes around 20 seconds, in order to take into account the target's movement vector with the assumption that it will continue to move.
Autonomous artillery barrage is a subject of both general aim error and individual round spread. Depending on the mission setup, usually, the main firing action is preceded by a single spotting round - and in the case of players under threat, a few notifications about the incoming fire.
Meanwhile the called-in artillery support is fired at the location requested by the original caller. However, each round is still subjected to a statistical spread, leading to certain inaccuracy.
Via mission setup, certain areas or objects may be blacklisted. As a result, calling fire support to strike those will be impossible. The same applies to the immediate vicinity of the caller.
CAS fire support, both autonomous and called-in, works in a similar way. Typically, though, it's much more precise against moving vehicles since the pilot can correct his aim till the last moment.
Emergency support calls are meant as a desperate last resort. The first available support provider of any type will automatically pick a hostile target near the caller that seems the most threatening, without any friendly fire avoidance - so beware. It's also possible there will be no available support at all.
In general, depending on mission setup and game difficulty, called-in fire support will have various usage conditions and limitations, including radio availability, amount of calls, time interval between the calls, or inability to call the same type of support many times simultaneously. The current status of support availability, if any is present at all, is shown directly in the action menu.
Finally, if the player is close enough to an allied tank, it may be possible to point the tank gunner to a target and engage via the action menu.
Mission parameters may allow customization of certain elements of the system for the given play-session in multiplayer mode.
Mission maker setup and use
The advanced customization of IFS is possible via the module to a large extent and even more so via scripting
Detailed documentation is found on the Spearhead 1944.
Indirect Fire Support
During the game, you may encounter or cause various indirect fire support events.
Soldiers present on the battlefield, AI and players alike, will automatically report spotted hostile targets to HQ. HQ, according to its own judgment, may issue orders to attack a worthy target with its own artillery or aerial asset if present and not busy elsewhere.
Sometimes, players also have the possibility to call in such support directly.
Called-in Fire Support
Select and hold a support action to call in the chosen type of support to a position or target in the middle of the screen.
Avoid requesting support too close to your own or allied positions - ordnance has a considerable blast radius and spread.
Mission Variables
Variable Name | Data Type | Default Value | Locality | Description |
SPE_IFS_pairingtriesperbattery | Scalar | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_targetblacklist | Array | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_progresscallwheninvalid | Boolean | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_planes_ind | Array | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_allprojectiles_ger | Array | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_emergencycallbaseinterval | Array | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_calledsupportproviders | Array | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_rdtable | Array | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_debugswitch_systemchat | Boolean | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_dsavailability_side | Array | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_knowntargets_aa_e | HashMap | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_knowntargets_aa | Array | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_priorityartycalls | Array | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_tankdefaulttemptation | Array | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_cas_horriblemode | Boolean | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_requestedheavyartyeta | Scalar | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_firedshells | Array | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_knowntargets_aa_o | HashMap | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_allarty | Array | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_knowntargets_aa_r | HashMap | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_safetydistance_heavyarty | Array | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_requestedmortareta | Scalar | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_allowadvancedhints | Boolean | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_knowntargets_aa_w | HashMap | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_requestedmortargunsamount | Array | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_limitshotstocurrentmagazinerounds | Boolean | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_acc | Scalar | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_requestedheavyartyamount | Scalar | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_casweaponrytable_ind_ambient | Array | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_aadefaulttemptation | Array | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_temporarydebugmarkers | Array | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_incomingnotificationrange | Scalar | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_casweaponrytable_civ_emergency | Array | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_rocket | Array | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_amount | Scalar | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_cas_donttrackplayersincadet | Array | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_casweaponrytable_civ_requested | Array | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_amountmultiplier | Array | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_aacapableassets | Array | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_knowntargets_soft_e | HashMap | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_iowamode | Boolean | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_ds_providingtime | Scalar | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_knowntargets_soft_o | HashMap | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_infantrydefaulttemptation | Array | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_calledsupportspermanent | Boolean | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_knowntargets_soft_r | HashMap | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_requestedmortarspread | Scalar | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_mapcenter | Array | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_casactivity | Array | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_mort_spawndirection | Array | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_spmortar | Array | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_knowntargets_soft_w | HashMap | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_cas_aimerrorspread | Array | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_fototargetmaxdistances | Array | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_worthyinfantryradius | Array | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_dsradius | Scalar | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_knowntargets_armored | Array | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_casweaponrytable_west_ambient | Array | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_knowntargets_infantry_e | HashMap | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_cas_aimerror | Scalar | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_nocontrol | Array | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_knowntargets_soft | Array | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_knowntargets_infantry_o | HashMap | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_enemieseast | Array | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_knowntargets_infantry_r | HashMap | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_knowntargets_infantry_w | HashMap | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_safetydistance_mortararty | Array | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_ds_checkproviderlos | Boolean | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_worthyinfantrytarget | Array | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_acceptedradiobackpacks | Array | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_knownenemiesmarkers | Array | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_initcomplete | Boolean | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_enemiesother | Array | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_casactive | Boolean | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_casavailability_side | Array | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_add_other | Array | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_onephase | Boolean | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_requestedsupportavailabilitydelay | Array | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_debug | Boolean | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_areablacklist | Array | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_lightartillery | Array | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_allbullets | Array | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_incomingmarkrange | Scalar | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_planes_east | Array | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_requestedheavyartygunsamount | Array | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_checkedpotentialartyclasses | Array | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_calledsupportsui | Scalar | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_spottinground_called | Boolean | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_casweaponrytable_ind_emergency | Array | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_interval | Scalar | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_add_rocket | Array | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_emergencycalloveruseinterval | Array | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_cas_spawndirection | Array | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_casweaponrytable_west_emergency | Array | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_svstart | Boolean | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_2phwithoutfo | Boolean | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_cas_originobjects | Array | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_aibombhelper_disable | Boolean | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_requestedmortarammo | Array | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_spottinground | Array | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_mortar | Array | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_foaccgain | Scalar | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_enemiesresistance | Array | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_addammo | Scalar | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_casweaponrytable_ind_requested | Array | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_emergencyfireimmunity | Boolean | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_allprojectiles_us | Array | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_staticdefaulttemptation | Array | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_publicfunctions | Boolean | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_wpclasses | Array | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_casweaponrytable_west_requested | Array | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_counterbatteryfireispriority | Boolean | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_shouldblacklistblockrequestedsupport | Boolean | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_targetmaxspeeds | Array | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_fo | Array | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_art_spawndirection | Array | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_ds_checkfriendlyfire | Boolean | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_add_spmortar | Array | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_casweaponrytable_east_ambient | Array | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_ds_providerblacklist | Array | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_requestedheavyartyspread | Scalar | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_magazinesammodata | HashMap | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_knowntargets_infantry | Array | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_monogamy | Boolean | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_ds_interval | Scalar | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_safetydistance_cas | Array | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_cas_currentplanes | Array | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_enemieswest | Array | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_other | Array | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_knowntargets_arty | Array | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_artyavailability_side | Array | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_knowntargets_armored_e | HashMap | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_enemysides | Array | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_dsmaxrange | Scalar | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_sides | Array | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_immunefx_ringing | Boolean | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_allowmortarsagainsttanks | Boolean | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_knowntargets_armored_o | HashMap | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_requestedmortaramount | Scalar | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_knowntargets_armored_r | HashMap | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_mortarclasses | Array | GEGlobal | TBD | |
spe_ais_ifs_debugswitch | Boolean | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_emergencycasdelay | Scalar | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_knowntargets_armored_w | HashMap | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_planedefaulttemptation | Array | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_availablecalls | Array | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_priokeys | Array | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_add_mortar | Array | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_casweaponrytable_east_emergency | Array | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_requestedheavyartyammo | Array | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_pendingartycalls | Array | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_emergencyartydelay | Scalar | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_prioritycastargets | Array | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_planes_west | Array | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_newpriorityartycalls | Array | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_targetreportingdelay | Array | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_cas_spawndistance | Array | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_foclass | Array | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_cas_speedlimit | Scalar | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_batterymarkers | Array | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_casweaponrytable_civ_ambient | Array | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_vehicledefaulttemptation | Array | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_allprojectiles | Array | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_pause | Boolean | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_heavyartillery | Array | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_shellview | Boolean | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_emergencyfireactive | Boolean | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_active | Boolean | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_casweaponrytable_east_requested | Array | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_cadetdifficulty | Boolean | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_artyavtransmitterdst | Array | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_lightartyclasses | Array | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_requestedheavyartygunsrof | Array | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_pendingcascalls | Array | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_planes_civ | Array | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_newprioritycascalls | Array | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_artyactive | Boolean | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_heavyartyclasses | Array | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_pendingcalls_logging | Boolean | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_emergencycallslimit | Array | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_requestedmortargunsrof | Array | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_artyavailability_specific | Array | GEGlobal | TBD | |
SPE_IFS_debugdeep | Boolean | GEGlobal | TBD |