Reyhard/Sandbox/Character Gear Creation/Headgear/Prefab Configuration – User
From Bohemia Interactive Community
< User:Reyhard | Sandbox | Character Gear Creation | Headgear
Prefab Setup
Creating Prefab
Inherit from Helmet Base or duplicate one of existing helmets
Tweaking BaseLoadoutClothComponent
- Enable PhysicsOnWearEnabled & AnimateCollidersOnWear properties
- Assign item model to ItemModel in BaseLoadoutClothComponent & to property Object in MeshOjbect component
- Assign worn model to WornModel
- Change SoundInt parameter to 120
- Cont
If you inherited from prefab, then you would also need to tweak following things
- Change AreaType parameter in BaseLoadoutClothComponent to LoadoutHeadCoverArea
- This will tell the game that this item should be assigned to head gear slot in inventory menu
- Tweaking drop item sound (SCR_SoundDataComponent) to Items_Drop_Helmet.acp
- Changes the sound which is being played when item is placed on the ground
- Tweaking position of default action context
Inventory Configuration
Configuring inventory properties
- Name
- Size
- Preview image
Adding to Arsenal