Spearhead 1944 Known Issues and Workarounds

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Known Issues and Workarounds

Vehicle class SPE_Module_Indirect_Fire_Support no longer exists

Unfortunately an unintentional class name change slipped into 1.0.1 hotfix - please excuse the mishap!

Note: We will revert the class name change in the next update, but will retain these temporary test classes for backwards compatibility. In simple terms - no change from your end needed with the next update!

Simple solution:

  1. Load the mission in Eden
  2. Force load despite the missing class
  3. Place the module again and configure it as desired

Advanced solution:

  1. Locate your mission folder
  2. Make a backup of your mission (copy the folder to another location)
  3. Open the mission.sqm in a text editor - best with a good one like Notepad++ or similar
  4. Search for below terms and replace them (one by one or mass replacement)
 SPE_Module_AI_Systems => SPE_Module_AI_Systems_Hotfix
 SPE_Module_Indirect_Fire_Support => SPE_Module_Indirect_Fire_Support_Hotfix
  1. Save the mission.sqm file
  2. Export your mission again/upload to workshop

Vehicle class SPE_Module_AI_Systems no longer exists

See one above.

IFS module is not fully working

Add the following code in the init.sqf

[] spawn { // Wait for other initializations sleep 15; // Fix for clients not initializing scripts if (!isServer) then {[] call SPE_MissionUtilityFunctions_fnc_IFS_Init}; // Fix for null variable on clients if (isServer) then {publicVariable "SPE_IFS_availableCalls"}; // Fix for AI not utilizing supports if (isServer) then { if (isNil "SPE_IFS_AmountMultiplier") then { SPE_IFS_AmountMultiplier = [[0.33,0.5,1],[0.33,0.5,1]]; }; publicVariable "SPE_IFS_AmountMultiplier"; }; // Fix for player respawn if (hasInterface) then { player addEventHandler ["Respawn",{_this spawn SPE_MissionUtilityFunctions_fnc_IFS_onPlayerRespawn}]; }; };