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# I. Download and play

The OAC files are available via Yoma Addon Sync 2009 (YAS).

Please always refer to the FAQ first in case of questions and unclear parts.

HTTP Download

You can browse the OAC or ACEIP YAS repository via browser
via these links and download files by hand as well.

Step by step download and install guide

Here is a step by step guide.

Please head over to the OAC forum (dead link) if questions remain after the guide.

Install Yoma Addon Sync

First please download and install the latest version of YAS (dead link).

Launch Yoma Addon Snyc 2009 once the installation is complete.

Configure ArmA settings

Next you should check Settings to verify if it found your ArmA directory.
Normally this works automatically.

Configure the arma location

Add the OAC YAS server

Once you have downloaded and installed YAS, add a new server with following data:

As alternative head to the OAC filebase (dead link), download the .yas files and add
the server profiles by opening the .yas files with the Yoma Addon Sync 2009 app.

Click add 'new server' button.

Configure the OAC YAS server settings

Brief OAC YAS server file overview

There are quite a few different items available:

  • Missions (SP and MP)
  • Campaigns
  • Additional files (OFP music, face replacements)
  • CWR compatibility addons
  • P85 replacement addons
  • Many community replacement addons

Just to give you a rough idea for the start.

Download the desired files

Lets start getting the files now.

  1. Next switch to Download addons tab.
  2. Click on Check for addons. It will look what files are available on the YAS server
    and already checks, if you have the files already in your arma folder.
  3. Once the check is done, select all the files you want to download.
    By default all files are selected, apart from these you already have (in the correct version).
    In the center left part you can filter the folders, in the center
    you can de-/select individual files.
    In the top right you see the overall download size in KB/MB.
  4. Once you are happy with your selection, hit the "Download addons" button and
    wait for the download to finish. Yoma Addon Snyc will automatically download
    all files from the server to your ArmA folder and create the mod folders.
  5. You can select download a few files at first, and select more in the second go
    to download more items of interest.
Do NOT forgot to load the modfolders.
Use your favorite launcher application or create links yourself.
Read next what you need to use as modfolder paths.

Select the download tab

Select the desired files and hit download

Detailed OAC YAS server file overview

Note that OAC uses subfolders for modfolders.
Make sure to add the whole modfolder path after the mod parameter.

Required packages to run OAC:

  • x\oac\oac_core

Required if no other islands are used:

  • userconfig
  • x\aceip
    (@aceip is the old path)

ACEIP files can be downloaded here.

Optional OAC addons:

  • campaigns
  • missions\OAC
  • mpmissions
  • x\oac\oac_optional_additions
  • x\oac\oac_optional_cwc_res_music

Modfolder loading order

Beta Patches

beta always first - always.


Queens Gambit

DBE1 always first (exception beta). QG is not required for OAC.



OAC always last:



  • ACE Island Pack

x\aceip just before OAC ones:

  • Other community CWC island conversions
    • CWR Malden requires CWR.
    • CWR Winter Kolgujev requires CWR Adddons and x\oac\oac_replacements_cwr.
    • SgtAce Everon runs out of the box.

Optional files

The optional OAC modfolders in this order

  • oac_optional_cwc_res_music
  • oac_optional_additions
  • oac_replacements_units


CWR and oac_replacements_cwr in this order and before any other modfolders


Update OAC

Just run YAS again, connect to the OAC YAS server and download all newer/updated files.
The application will sort the rest for you automatically.

Replacement addons

Note that you need to download the base addons yourself for the optional unit and vehicle replacements.

More information about optional unit and vehicle replacements.

Replacement islands

CWR and CWR addons offer a beautiful Malden and Winter Kolgujev. You are very
much recommended to use them. For Everon you have to use SAP Everon - must have!

Play OAC with CWR

We are happy to announce that you can now combine OAC with CWR.


  1. Download CWR and install.
  2. Download CWR Addons and install.
  3. Move CWR_Ed_T80.pbo of CWR to a new folder called #backup.
  4. Load OAC along with x\oac\oac_replacements_cwr and CWR.

Important notes

Load the CWR and x\oac\oac_replacements_cwr folders first, like:

Required modfolders:

You may not load aceip and CWR at the same time!
Either use ACEIP or SAP Everon plus CWR demo.

With all OAC replacements and additional OAC modfolders:


Back to OAC Home

The seven roads to OAC - subpage link overview