Infernales/Sandbox – User

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Do not run the server as root!
All actions in this guide were performed as a normal user or under sudo.

Download SteamCMD


sudo apt-get install lib32gcc-s1


sudo yum install glibc.i686 libstdc++.i686

Arch Linux:

sudo pacman -Syy glibc lib32-glibc nano

After installing these packages, do the following:

mkdir -p ~/servers/steamcmd && cd ~/servers/steamcmd
curl -sqL "" | tar zxvf -

Download DayZ Server

  • Instead of your_login, you must indicate your Steam login.
  • Updating the server is performed using the same commands as installation.

Without Mods

Stable branch:

~/servers/steamcmd/ +force_install_dir ~/servers/dayz-server/ +login your_login +app_update 223350 +quit

Experimental branch:

~/servers/steamcmd/ +force_install_dir ~/servers/dayz-server/ +login your_login +app_update 1042420 +quit

With Mods

Let's install two mods on a stable branch: Community Framework and Community Online Tools:

~/servers/steamcmd/ +force_install_dir ~/servers/dayz-server/ +login yout_login +app_update 223350 +workshop_download_item 221100 1559212036 +workshop_download_item 221100 1564026768 +quit

Run DayZ Server

Do not forget to configure the server before running.

Without Mods

сd ~/servers/dayz-server/
./DayZServer -config=serverDZ.cfg -port=2301 -BEpath=battleye -profiles=profiles -dologs -adminlog -netlog -freezecheck

With Mods

In this example, there will still be two mods: Community Framework and Community Online Tools.

cd ~/servers/dayz-server/
ln -s ~/servers/dayz-server/steamapps/workshop/content/221100/1559212036 ~/servers/dayz-server/1559212036
ln -s ~/servers/dayz-server/steamapps/workshop/content/221100/1564026768 ~/servers/dayz-server/1564026768
ln -s ~/servers/dayz-server/steamapps/workshop/content/221100/1559212036/keys/* ~/servers/dayz-server/keys/
./DayZServer -config=serverDZ.cfg -port=2301 "-mod=1559212036;1564026768;" -BEpath=battleye -profiles=profiles -dologs -adminlog -netlog -freezecheck

Ctrl + C - Close the server.

As Daemon With Restart and Auto-Update

  • Instead of your_login, you must indicate your Steam login.
  • Instead of your_username should be your username in the OS.

Create The Initial Scripts

  1. Depending on mods:
    • Without mods: nano ~/servers/dayz-server/
      /home/your_username/servers/steamcmd/ +force_install_dir /home/your_username/servers/dayz-server/ +login your_login +app_update 223350 +quit
    • With mods: nano ~/servers/dayz-server/
      /home/your_username/servers/steamcmd/ +force_install_dir /home/your_username/servers/dayz-server/ +login your_login +app_update 223350 +workshop_download_item 221100 1559212036 +workshop_download_item 221100 1564026768 +quit
      rm /home/your_username/servers/dayz-server/1559212036 /home/your_username/servers/dayz-server/1564026768 /home/your_username/servers/dayz-server/keys/Jacob_Mango_V3.bikey
      ln -s /home/your_username/servers/dayz-server/steamapps/workshop/content/221100/1559212036 /home/your_username/servers/dayz-server/1559212036
      ln -s /home/your_username/servers/dayz-server/steamapps/workshop/content/221100/1564026768 /home/your_username/servers/dayz-server/1564026768
      ln -s /home/your_username/servers/dayz-server/steamapps/workshop/content/221100/1559212036/keys/* /home/your_username/servers/dayz-server/keys/
  2. Ctrl + O
  3. Ctrl + X
  4. sudo chmod +x ~/servers/dayz-server/
  5. sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/dayz-server.service
    Description=DayZ Dedicated Server
    ExecStart=/home/your_username/servers/dayz-server/DayZServer -config=serverDZ.cfg -port=2301 "-mod=1559212036;1564026768;" -BEpath=battleye -profiles=profiles -dologs -adminlog -netlog -freezecheck
    ExecReload=/bin/kill -s HUP $MAINPID
    ExecStop=/bin/kill -s INT $MAINPID
  6. sudo systemctl daemon-reload

Daemon Commands

  • sudo systemctl enable dayz-server - Enables server autostart when the OS starts.
  • sudo systemctl disable dayz-server - Disables server autostart when the OS starts.
  • sudo systemctl start dayz-server - Starting the server.
  • sudo systemctl restart dayz-server - Restarting the server.
  • sudo systemctl stop dayz-server - Stopping the server.
  • sudo systemctl status dayz-server - Checking the server status.