From Bohemia Interactive Community
- Description:
- Returns various properties for the given shot.
- Groups:
- Object Manipulation
- Syntax:
- getShotInfo shot
- Parameters:
- shot: Object - shot projectile
- Return Value:
- Array in format [effectiveTimeToLive, fuseDistanceLeft, timeToExplosion, triggerIsForced, shownTracer, isReal, isSubmunitionTriggered, isSetForDeletion], where:
- 0 - effectiveTimeToLive: Number - how much more shot has to live.
- 1 - fuseDistanceLeft: Number - how long shot has to travel more to get fused (undebarrel grenade for example).
- 2 - timeToExplosion: Number - how long before shot fuse explodes (hand grenade for example).
- 3 - triggerIsForced: Boolean - true if shot ammo was triggered with triggerAmmo.
- 4 - shownTracer: Boolean - true if the shot shown as tracer.
- 5 - isReal: Boolean - true if the shot is considered in damage events.
- 6 - isSubmunitionTriggered: Boolean - true if the shot contains submunition and it is triggered.
- 7 - isSetForDeletion: Boolean - true if the shot is already set for deletion but not yet removed from the scene.
Alternative Syntax
- Syntax:
- shot getShotInfo index
- Parameters:
- shot: Object - shot projectile
- index: Number - property index (see main syntax, for example 1 for fuseDistanceLeft)
- Return Value:
- Anything - depends on the requested property, or Nothing
- Example 1:
- Example 2:
Additional Information
- See also:
- getShotParents missileTarget triggerAmmo getObjectType getObjectTextures objectParent setVelocityTransformation getUnitFreefallInfo getEntityInfo getModelInfo
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