Audio: Vehicle Damage – Arma Reforger
From Bohemia Interactive Community
- Vehicle damage is connected to the damage state signals that are updated from the cOnStateChanged() event on SCR_HitZoneStateSignal.
- The signal setup is on SCR_VehicleSoundComponent's cGetHitZoneStateSignalData().
- Multiple scripted hit zones can update the same signal. In that case, the signal has the value of the most damaged scripted hit zone.
- TireDamage signals are updated directly from SCR_WheelHitZone.
- When in idle, engine RPM is modulated EngineDamageRPMRevs creating a sense of unsteady and unreliable engine RPM
- SOUND_TIMING_BELT - One-shot sound, periodically triggered. Triggering frequency depends on engine RPM
- SOUND_ENGINE_RATTLE_LP - Looped sound modulated by engine RPM and thrust
- SOUND_BACK_FIRE - One-shot sound occasionally triggered
- SOUND_VEHICLE_GEARSHIFT - grinding sound layer is mixed in when the gearbox is damaged
Wheel Damage
- Driving on a flat tire or rim is mixed into wheel rolling sounds if the wheel is damaged or destroyed
- SOUND_TURBINE_LP - the damaged turbine layer is played when the engine is damaged
- SOUND_ENGINE_RATTLE - one-shot sound is occasionally triggered.
Main Rotor
- SOUND_MAINROTOR_LP - a loud whooshy sounding layer is mixed in, if the main rotor is damaged
Tail rotor
- SOUND_TAILROTOR_DAMAGED_LP - metal grinding/scraping sound is triggered, if the tail rotor is damaged.
- Metal grinding/rattling layer is mixed into SOUND_MAINROTOR_LP if the gearbox is damaged.
Smoke and Fire
Two sound sources are accompanying smoke and fire particles on vehicles.
- Engine smoke/fire:
- On engine position
- Uses the EngineFireState signal
- Representing engine smoking or vehicle fire
- Defined on SCR_FlammableHitZone
- Particles size is static, defined on SCR_FlammableHitZone
- Supplies fire:
- On supplies position
- Size/type of sound is driven by the SuppliesFireState signal
- Will include ammo cook-off layer
- Fuel tank fire
- On fuel tank position
- Size/type of sound is driven by the FuelTankFireState signal
- 0 - no particles
- 10 - 30 - smoke
- 40 - fire
- 0 - not burning
- 1 - 4 will return based on what particle effect is used. If small, medium, large or massive (Uses SCR_ESecondaryExplosionScale enum).
- 0 - not burning
- 1 - 4 will return based on what particle effect is used. If small, medium, large or massive (Uses SCR_ESecondaryExplosionScale enum).