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Doxygen is a tool that generates documentation from code comment respecting a certain format. This code documentation is used across Enfusion projects, starting with Arma Reforger.

What is not documented does not exist!

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Bohemia Interactive Guidelines

Documentation is important:

  • Document what is public (protected methods go second - people should use public methods anyway)
  • Document what is important (features, concepts, specifics like variables or constants, etc)
  • Document what is dangerous (performance-wise, crash-wise)

Bohemia Interactive recommendations:

  • use //! and //!<
    • /*! */, /// and /** */ are to be avoided (inline comment is preferred in order to remain able to comment big chunks of code with /* */ without conflict)
  • do not go too much into details (e.g //! This method does xxx if provided Y but will not do it if Z is set to true at line 246 and ...)
  • do not over-document code (e.g //! Get the name on string GetName() is of absolutely no value); again, code should be self-explanatory and a comment should explain a design decision (if needed)

See Examples below.

Reminder: an eventual code comment tells why code is done this way,

method comment plainly explains what the method does / when it should be used, and class comment explains the whole system / feature of this class.

For a system / feature that spans across multiple classes, Doxygen grouping is required. See Doxygen Grouping documentation.


A class documentation explains what the class does. It can add said class to groups (see Doxygen's grouping documentation). Grouping is usually done in a different comment block than class comment.

//! This class is a databag used by the TAG_WholeSystemClass's WholeSystem feature. //! Member variables are public for that purpose. It holds info X and Y related to Z. class TAG_MyDataClass { bool m_bIsValid; int m_iNumber; ref TAG_MyOtherDataClass m_OtherData; }
//! \addtogroup TAG_WholeSystemClass //! \{ //! This class is commented class TAG_MyOtherDataClass { } //! \}


A method documentation goes below the //--- separator and must ideally document the method's purpose, its parameters, and its return value.

Always amend the documentation when changing a method's signature/behaviour!

class Example { //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //! Documentation goes here with the same indent int GetIntMethod1(bool returnPositive) { // method content } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /*! Alternative syntax - not recommended in Arma Reforger Note that indentation is on the same level as the comment start */ int GetIntMethod2(bool returnPositive) { // method content } }

Various parameter formats:

//! \param[in] myParam parameter description //! \param[out] myParam parameter description //! \param[in,out] myParam parameter description

Only one return format:

//! \return return value description

To be used when a signature other than cvoid is used.


//! a member variable can be documented like this protected float m_fVar1; protected float m_fVar2; //!< or like this - the '<' symbol means "document what just precedes"



This example is taken from SCR_ObstacleDetector:

//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //! Detects obstacles based on current settings - a SCR_ObstacleDetector.RefreshObstaclesBy*() method must have been called earlier //! \param[in] worldPos the location to check - only the 2D position will be checked //! \param[in] exclusionList list of entities that should not be considered as obstacles //! \return true if an obstacle has been detected or on error, false otherwise bool HasObstacle(vector worldPos, array<IEntity> exclusionList = null)

This comment is fine for multiple reasons:

  • the main description states the method's goal and usage condition
  • parameters are documented and specifics (when present) are explained
  • the return value is described accurately
  • error cases are covered


Example Explanation
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //! Returns true if has obstacle bool HasObstacle(vector worldPos, array<IEntity> exclusionList = null)
  • the description is straightforward but does not provide context
  • parameters are not described
  • return value is included in the description and only covers one case (when everything works)
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //! Returns true if has obstacle //! \param[in] worldPos the world position //! \param[in] exclusionList the exclusion list //! \return true or false bool HasObstacle(vector worldPos, array<IEntity> exclusionList = null)
  • the description is still straightforward without context
  • parameter descriptions are based on their name and do not help understanding further
  • the return value's description describes the value itself and not the added value
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //! Returns false when an obstacle is detected bool HasObstacle(vector worldPos, array<IEntity> exclusionList = null)

This one is one of the worst possible cases: no comment is better than a wrong comment.
Prefer leaving it undocumented (ideally with a // TODO) if you do not have the time to document your code at the moment.

See Also