IC:ArmA - International Conflict: Armed Assault

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Frequently Asked Questions

Is this like a clan? No. We are not a clan. We do not rely on any external organizations, ladders, clubs, or groups for this tournament. International Conflict:Armed Assault has its own schedule, servers, administrators, forums, and armies - everything needed to run independently and entirely on its own. Individuals and members of clans are welcomed to join, but you will have to leave your clan tags/affiliations at the door.

Isn't that like breaking up clans? IC-ArmA recognises the importance and value of clans and squads and doesn't do anything to break them up. We welcome single players or whole groups equally.

How do these 2 forces fight each other? International Conflict utilises Armed Assaults multiplayer component to stage large scale battles. The two teams fight it out on an official battle day to determine who is victorious. The armies fight over nominated territories and they carry them forward to the next battleday.

How Large is Large? We have an average of 90 to 100 players in each battle. We hope with your help, we can keep pushing it further and further!

What are the requirements to join International Conflict:Armed Assault?

  • You must have your own legal copy of Armed Assault
  • You must have a set of speakers and a mic.
  • You must download and use TeamSpeak.
  • You must visit the forums as much as possible.
  • You must have fun.

Why Teamspeak? It is imperative that each force communicate within their teams. TeamSpeak is a very simple, and flexible Voice-Over-IP (VOIP) software program that enables you to communicate via a mic to your teammates on a server seperate from the game server. TeamSpeak is free to download. And having speakers and mic, and downloading and using TeamSpeak is a requirement of the tournament. You may use a headset with mic as well.

How often do these forces fight each other, and for how long? Official Battle days are one day every weekend (unless posted otherwise, e.g. due to Holiday, etc.). Currently they are 3 hours long each Saturday.

Do I have to play the entire time? No. You can play as much as you can or as little as you want. Some players can hammer out the whole lot, and others can only put in 1 hour.

How are the 2 forces organized/structured? Each army has their own organizational structure as established by their Commanding Officers and General Staff. Each is broken down into sub-divisions or companies that has its own Officers, Non Commissioned officers, and enlisted troops.

Do I have to follow the orders of higher ranking players? Yes. To achieve the level organization we strive for here, it is important that orders be followed and carried out.

How can I advance my rank? One word, PARTICIPATE. Show up for practices, show up for battles, take part in discussions on the forums, hang out on the TS server, get to know your officers. That will get you started. Then it all depends on your qualities as a leader, and that is more complicated, do you have what it takes to lead men in combat?

What is the offical language of the tournament? English, spoken on TS and written in forums.

Is this a very competitive tournament? Is the atmosphere cutthroat? International Conflict stresses teamwork, strategy, organization, friendship, and most of all fun. The members here take playing the game in the campaign very seriously. They came to International Conflict looking for organization and to get away from the chaos and anarchy that can and does take place in the public servers. At the same time, lifelong friendships are made and on non-battle days, many members will go "pubbing" to have fun and practice teamwork (they will jump on a public server). And at other times, many members just hang out on our TeamSpeak server.

Now the Big Question - when? Sign up is open NOW!

International Conflict: Armed Assault IC:ArmA Forums Join an Army at IC:ArmA