Ambient Combat Manager Module – Arma 2

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Revision as of 15:32, 6 June 2009 by DnA (talk | contribs) (Started to grow documentation on the Ambient Combat Manager.)
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Note: this page is a work-in-progress! More info to follow as soon as possible.


The Ambient Combat Manager (ACM) is a scripted module for ArmA 2 which can dynamically generate a war around a unit. It is meant to fill the gameworld with combat while moving through it and without having to place units manually. The generated patrols are not faked: they will fight with and / or against you.

Since no current computer would be able to handle an entire ArmA 2 gameworld full of AI units, the ACM cleans up after itself. It will remove dynamic content as the player moves away from it.


  1. Place at least one unit in your mission.
  2. Place an ACM near this unit (F1 > Side: Game Logic > Class: Modules > Unit: Ambient Combat).
  3. Synchronize the unit with the ACM (F5 > drag a line between the two objects).
  4. Preview the mission and enjoy!

Note 1: only one ACM may be synchronized with a group (additional ACM's will be ignored). However, other ACM's may be synchronized to other groups.

Note 2: when synchronizing to a group with multiple units it does not matter which unit you synchronize to. Aesthetically it is recommend to sychronize to the group's leader.

