How to create destroyable wheels
From Bohemia Interactive Community
File Format
Offset | Datatype | Content | Description |
0 | char[4] | "WSS0" | file signature |
4 | ulong | <compression> | if <compression> == 8 the PCM data is compressed, otherwise <compression> == 0 |
8 | ushort | <format tag> | defines in which format the data is saved. Always 0x0001 in WSS files |
10 | ushort | <channels> | number of channels: 1=mono, 2=stereo |
12 | ulong | <sample rate> | sample rate in Hz (e.g. 44100Hz) |
16 | ulong | <bytes/second> | <sample rate> * <block align> |
20 | ushort | <block align> | <channels> * (<bits/sample> / 8) |
22 | ushort | <bits/sample> | usually 0x0010 in WSS files |
24 | ushort | <unknown> | unknown value |
26 | byte[fileSize-26] | <soundData> | here the PCM data of the sound is stored |
If the <soundData> is compressed the following (C#) code can be used for decompression:
PCMData = new Int16[soundData.Length]; for (int j = 0; j < PCMData.Length; j++) { SByte srcSample = (SByte)soundData[j]; if (srcSample != 0) { double asFloat = Math.Abs(srcSample) / 28.12574042515172; asFloat *= 2.3025850929940456840; //ln(10) asFloat *= 1.4426950408889634070; //log2(e) double rnd = Math.Round(asFloat); double mantisse = Math.Pow(2.0, asFloat - rnd); asFloat = mantisse * Math.Pow(2, rnd); if (srcSample < 0) asFloat *= -1; Int32 asInt = (int)Math.Round(asFloat); asInt = (j == 0) ? asInt : (asInt + PCMData[j - 1]); if (asInt > short.MaxValue) asInt = short.MaxValue; if (asInt < short.MinValue) asInt = short.MinValue; PCMData[j] = (Int16)asInt; } else PCMData[j] = (j == 0) ? (Int16)0 : PCMData[j - 1]; }