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BattlEye is an anti-cheat tool created by BattlEye Innovations. It is currently included in Bohemia Interactive's ArmA and ArmA 2 series as an optional installation and server configuration option. It works by scanning connected clients for various cheat an exploit methods and upon detection, disconnecting (kicking) the offending clients.



Installation of the BattlEye client is an option during the initial Game Setup.


Apart from installation there is no additional configuration required for game clients running BattlEye.

Refer to the server.cfg section on how to enable BattlEye on a dedicated server.

Note: If you run multiple dedicated servers, you need to specify separate BattlEye paths for each server in the server startup parameters.


Since BattlEye Server version 1.102 you can control your server remotely (without having to be in-game) from anywhere on the internet with the new BattlEye RCon tool.

1. Download the RCon tool (currently b0.9)

2. Create BEServer.cfg in BattlEye working directory with a unique RCon password

RConPassword xyzxyz

3. Start the RCon tool

4. Connect to your server with its IP, Port and RCon password


Main BattlEye Website

Separate BattlEye Paths for multiple dedicated servers

$able's BI Forum post introducing RCon


BattlEye RCon download