CF:ArmA2 - Charlie Foxtrot: ArmA2
From Bohemia Interactive Community
Charlie Foxtrot: Virtual War
Charlie Foxtrot ArmA2 facilitates two armies fighting large-scale multi-player battles against each other every week. This goes on for a number of weeks (a campaign) and in the end one army is declared victorious.
How do these two armies fight each other?
- Charlie Foxtrot utilizes a modified version of ArmA2's (and Operation Arrowhead) multi-player component to stage large-scale battles.
- The armies fight over a region defined as a zone. The zone is of various sizes and only inside this zone can score be accrued.
- There are 3 score vehicles a lightly armored command vehicle worth 2 points per score cycle and three supply vehicles worth one point each. These vehicles are monitored and every five minutes an updated score is published to the map screen.
- The side with the highest score at the end of the battle is considered to be the victor.
- The score is then added to the total campaign score which which is carried till the end of the campaign where a campaign victor is declared.
- NOTE: The score vehicles have other roles as well, the command vehicle which is lightlyarmored and has satellite view, FLIR and other functions including a radar to monitor air and a communication system that reports friendly troop locations. The supply vehicles act as a forward resupply area by providing fuel, ammunition and repairs to the other armed or armored vehicles.
- Charlie Foxtrot does not use kill messages, third-person view or a leader board to determine any aspect of the battle's progress.
- In fact, the entire battle strategy is developed by the commanders of the armies, with input from the rest of the army.
- The strategies and tactics evolve and change from battle to battle, sometimes even in the midst of a battle.
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The Companies
Shashka International (SI)