missions directory

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Revision as of 15:43, 10 February 2011 by Pettka (talk | contribs) (ingame system of directories for missions)
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As you may have already noticed, single player missions may be managed inside directories for game purposes. All the new single player missions are listed under the British Armed Forces for example. If you wish to make your own missions and create similar structure, simply define a new class in cfgMissions.mission without a "directory" parameter. Then place all desired missions as subclasses inside this class. You may even add an displayName and overview for the directory as for default missions. To make it a bit easier, there is a part of our config as an example:

class CfgMissions { class Missions // default class to make missions displayable { class BAF_Missions // directory class for BAF missions { DisplayName = "British Armed Forces"; // name of directory overview = "\ca\missions_baf\overview.html"; // the same as for campaign // Garmarud skirmish - an example of mission class SPB_MorningDew { directory = "ca\missions_baf\scenarios\SP_MorningDew.Takistan"; // note there is no directory inside BAF_Missions }; // next missions to be added here }; }; };