Strangepete/Sandbox – User

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Revision as of 23:00, 5 April 2014 by Dr StrangePete (talk | contribs) (geSHi and syntaxhighlight play - i'd like to work on a lightweight SQF highlighter for use on the wiki)
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just learned about <syntaxhighlight> and geSHi Extension:

i'd like to start working on a SQF highlight for use in the wiki, something lightweight and simple, personally i think the notepad++ syntax highlight for a3 is very clean, with minimal color use - comments, command names, strings...i'm not familiar with geshi, but it doesnt seem too hard to get a basic style formed....

one issue i'd read about, and noticed so far, is that bracketed wiki links don't work, so this would remove any links to commands within code...not something im thrilled about - perhaps theres a way to preprocess the url before the highligher handles it, or maybe geshi allows for inserting or ignoring the appropriate code tags

geshi xml lang

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<Project name="Any Name">
	<Package name="Mission One">
		<Container name="Some Words">
			<Key ID="str_myTag_Yes">
		<Container name="Another Container">
			<Key ID="str_myTag_structured">
				<Original>Some text &amp;lt;t color='%1'&amp;gt;%2&amp;lt;/t&amp;gt;</Original>

based off submission on mediaWiki:

some Template ideas (using language 'c'):

Best Practice
Good Practice:
//str_myTag_teamKillers:	<English>&amp;lt;t color='#dd1111'&amp;gt;Team Killing is NOT Tolerated&amp;lt;/t&amp;gt;&amp;lt;/ br&amp;gt; and will result in a Permanent Ban!</English>

// Server
if ( [[isServer]] ) then {
	["str_myTag_teamKillers","TAG_fnc_localHint"] [[call]] [[BIS_fnc_MP]];
Bad Practice
Bad Practice:
//str_myTag_teamKillers:	<English>&amp;lt;t color='#dd1111'&amp;gt;Team Killing is NOT Tolerated&amp;lt;/t&amp;gt;&amp;lt;/ br&amp;gt; and will result in a Permanent Ban!</English>

// Server
if ( [[isServer]] ) then {
	["str_myTag_teamKillers","TAG_fnc_localHint"] [[call]] [[BIS_fnc_MP]];

I think i prefer this:

Best Practice
Good Practice:
//str_myTag_teamKillers:	<English>&amp;lt;t color='#dd1111'&amp;gt;Team Killing is NOT Tolerated&amp;lt;/t&amp;gt;&amp;lt;/ br&amp;gt; and will result in a Permanent Ban!</English>

// Server
if ( [[isServer]] ) then {
	["str_myTag_teamKillers","TAG_fnc_localHint"] [[call]] [[BIS_fnc_MP]];

Bad Practice
Bad Practice:
//str_myTag_teamKillers:	<English>&amp;lt;t color='#dd1111'&amp;gt;Team Killing is NOT Tolerated&amp;lt;/t&amp;gt;&amp;lt;/ br&amp;gt; and will result in a Permanent Ban!</English>

// Server
if ( [[isServer]] ) then {
	["str_myTag_teamKillers","TAG_fnc_localHint"] [[call]] [[BIS_fnc_MP]];

Best Practice
Best Practice:
// some code

Maybe an explanation why, or a reference

// or more code

Bad Practice
Catastrophically Stupid:

Example 2: Template:Lorem