CfgLights – Arma 3

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Here is a template with some descriptions:

class CfgLights
	color[] = {0,0,1,1};		// Array of RGBA
	diffuse[] = {0,0,1,1};		// Array of RGBA. Purpose unknown
	ambient[] = {0,0.25,1,0.5};	// Array of RGBA
	intensity = 25;				// Finite number between 0 and 1e10
	brightness = 0.1;			// Only used if intensity isn't set. Also deprecated. intensity = (brightness*50)^2
	class Attenuation
		start = 1;				// distance with 100% intensity, falloff starts here
		constant = 1;			// constant attenuation coef
		linear = 1;				// linear attenuation coef
		quadratic = 1;			// quadratic attenuation coef
		hardLimitStart = 1e20 * 0.7; // max distance hard limit start (start of fading of intensity to 0) in meter – default is (1e20 * 0.7)
		hardLimitEnd = 1e20;	// max distance hard limit end (end of fading of intensity to 0) in meter – default is 1e20
	dayLight = 1;			// boolean (0/1). Is light shown during daylight.
	useFlare = 1;			// boolean (0/1). Is light having a flare effect
	irLight = 0;			// boolean (0/1). Is light visible normally or only with NVGs
	flareSize = 1;			// Default is 1
	flareMaxDistance = 600;	// Default is 600
	position[] = {0,0,1};	// Position. Purpose unkown. Maybe some offset from the source.
	shape = "";				// String. Purpose unknown.

Commented parameters from engine source provided by reyhard

/// distance with 100% intensity, falloff starts here
float _startAttenuation;
/// constant attenuation coef
float _constantAttenuation;
/// linear attenuation coef
float _linearAttenuation;
/// quadratic attenuation coef
float _quadraticAttenuation;
/// max distance hard limit start (start of fading of intensity to 0) in m
float _hardLimitStart;
/// max distance hard limit end (end of fading of intensity to 0) in m
float _hardLimitEnd;
/// outer angle in degrees
float _outerAngle;
/// inner angle in degrees
float _innerAngle;
/// fade coefficient between inner and outer angle (1.0f = linear)
float _fadeCoef;

bool _disabledInPIP;
/// is light usable during day?
bool _isDayLight;
/// can we use flare for this light"
bool _useFlare;
/// flare relative size for this light
float _flareSize;
/// max distance, where flare is visible (in meters)
float _flareMaxDistance;

/// light priority (higher value = higher priority)
/// lights with higher priority are selected first
int _priority;