CfgRemoteExec – Arma 3

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-wrong parameter ("arma3dev") defined!-[[:Category:Introduced with arma3dev version 1.48|1.48]]


Class containing a list of all scripted functions and commands which can be remotely executed by BIS_fnc_MP / remoteExec / remoteExecCall on server or client machines. Can be defined in Config.cpp or in campaign's or mission's Description.ext. The most local variant is used.


class CfgRemoteExec
       // List of script functions allowed to be sent from client via remoteExec
       class Functions
               // State of remoteExec: 0-turned off, 1-turned on, taking whitelist into account, 2-turned on, however, ignoring whitelists (default because of backward compatibility)
               mode = 2;
               // Ability to jip: 0-disabled, 1-enabled (default)
               jip = 1;
               /*your functions here*/
               class YourFunction1
                      allowedTargets=0; // can target anyone (default)
                      jip = 0; // jip is disabled for this function (overrides settings in the Functions class)
               class YourFunction2 { allowedTargets=1; }; // can target only clients
               class YourFunction3 { allowedTargets=2; }; // can target only the server
       // List of script commands allowed to be sent from client via remoteExec
       class Commands
              /*your commands here*/
              class YourCommand1 { allowedTargets=0; jip=1; } // can target anyone, jip is turned off (overrides settings in the Commands class)