BIS File Formats

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3D Model File Formats

There are essentially two (2) types of 3D model files used by BIS's game engine, MLOD and ODOL.

MLOD File Formats

  • MLOD 3D models are uncompressed or unbinarized files.
  • This type of model file is editable in BIS's modelling tool application(s).
  • There are essentially two (2) versions of MLOD model types, SP3X and P3DM.
  • SP3X MLOD version is primarily for use with BIS's Operation Flashpoint game.
  • P3DM MLOD version is primarily for use with BIS's Armed Assault game.

The following links refer to articles describing the layout of MLOD files by community members - not by BIS or BIS employees. And as such may or may not be accurate.

MLOD SP3X (original)
MLOD SP3X File Format (revised)
MLOD P3DM File Format

ODOL File Formats

  • ODOL 3D models are compressed or binarized versions of the MLOD model file.
  • This type of model file is not editable.
  • There are essentailly two (2) versions of ODOL model types, ODOL v7 and ODOL v40.
  • ODOL v7 model files are the equivalent MLOD SP3X model file converted to compressed or binarized form. The game content released for OFP by BIS is primarily in this format.
  • ODOL v40 model files are the equivalent MLOD P3DM model file converted to compressed or binarzied form. The game content released for ArmA by BIS is primarily in this format.

The following links refer to articles describing the layout of ODOL files by community members - not by BIS or BIS employees. And as such may or may not be accurate.

ODOL v7 (original)
ODOL v7 File Format (revised)
ODOL v40 File Format

Animation File Formats

Font File Formats

Island File Formats

There are essentially two (2) types of Island model files.

PEW files refer to the file extension used by editable version of Island/Map files for use with BIS's Island editing tool(s).

There is one (1) file type for PEW files however there are different versions of the file format for various releases of BIS's OFP & ArmA Game Engine.

WRP files refer to the file extension used by the Game Gngine version of the PEW files.

There a two (2) types of WRP file. Uncompressed or unbinarized and binarized. Uncompressed WRP file types come in 4WVR and 8WVR format for use with BIS's Operation Flashpoint and Armed Assault respectively. Compressed or binarized WRP files have a file prefix in the first 4-bytes of the file of OPRW and then a version number to indicate which release of the OFP or ArmA Game Engines the Island is used with.

Following is a table to help illustrate.

To do.. insert table.

PEW File Formats

  • PEW files are uncompressed or unbinarized.
  • This type of file is editable in BIS's Island tool application(s).
  • This type of file is NOT useable by the Game Engine it is only used during the design phase of Island creation.
  • There are several versions of PEW files that correspond to different releases of BIS's Island editing tool Visitor and the game engine.
  • All versions have a file prefix in the first 4-bytes of the file of POSE.

The following links refer to articles describing the layout of PEW files by community members - not by BIS or BIS employees. And as such may or may not be accurate.

POSE v59 File Format
POSE v60 File Format

WRP File Formats

  • WRP files are Island Map files that are used by the Game Engine.
  • This file type comes in uncompressed/unbinarized and compressed/binarized format.
  • This file type is NOT editable by BIS Island tool application(s).

The following links refer to articles describing the layout of WRP files by community members - not by BIS or BIS employees. And as such may or may not be accurate.

OFP WRP File Formats
4WVR File Format (original)
OPRW v2 & v3 File Format (original)

ArmA WRP File Formats
8WVR File Format
OPRW v17 File Format
OPRW v18 File Format
OPRW v20 File Format

PBO File Formats

Rapified File Formats