BIS fnc GUImessage: Difference between revisions

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#REDIRECT [[BIS_fnc_guiMessage]]
{{Function|= Comments
| tkoh |= Game name
|1.00|= Game version
| Creates a fully dynamic GUI message box in the center of the player's screen. |= Description
| [body, header, OKbutton, Cancelbutton, display, inheritClass, pauseGame] call '''BIS_fnc_GUImessage''' |= Syntax
|p1= [''body'', ''header'', ''OKbutton'', ''Cancelbutton'', ''display'', ''inheritClass'', ''pauseGame'']: [[Array]]  |= PARAMETER1
|p2= body: [[String]] or [[Structured_Text|Structured Text]] (optional) - Default: "".  |= PARAMETER2
|p3= header: [[String]] (optional) - Default: "". |= PARAMETER3
|p4= OKbutton: [[Boolean]] or [[String]] (optional) - True/False to enable/disable button with default string of "OK", or enable the button with the input string. Default: true. |= PARAMETER4
|p5= Cancelbutton: [[Boolean]] or [[String]] (optional) - True/False to enable/disable button with default string of "CANCEL", or enable the button with the input string. Default: false. |= PARAMETER5
|p6= display: [[Display]] (optional) - Default: Main display of current mission/intro/outro. |= PARAMETER6
|p7= inheritClass: [[Boolean]] (optional) - True to use "RscMessageBox" class from the current display, false to use BIS-created "RscMessageBox" class. Default: false. |= PARAMETER7
|p8= pauseGame: [[Boolean]] (optional) - Default: true. |= PARAMETER8
| [[Boolean]] - true if "OK" button was activated, false if "Cancel" was activated or user pressed "Escape" key. |= RETURNVALUE
|x1= <code>["Example Body", "Example Header", [[true]], [[true]], [[findDisplay]] 46, [[false]], [[true]]] [[call]] [[BIS_fnc_GUImessage]];</code> |=
|x2= <code>[<nowiki></nowiki>[[composeText]] ["Example", [[lineBreak]], "Body"], "Example Header", [[true]], [[true]], [[findDisplay]] 46, [[false]], [[true]]] [[call]] [[BIS_fnc_GUImessage]];</code> |=
| [[BIS_fnc_GUIhint]] |= See also
<h3 style="display:none">Notes</h3>
<dl class="command_description">
<!-- Note Section BEGIN -->
<!-- Note Section END -->
<h3 style="display:none">Bottom Section</h3>
[[Category:Function Group: GUI|{{uc:GUImessage}}]]
[[Category:{{Name|tkoh}}: Functions|{{uc:GUImessage}}]]
[[Category:{{Name|arma3}}: Functions|{{uc:GUImessage}}]]
<!-- CONTINUE Notes -->
<dl class="command_description">
<dd class="notedate">Posted on December 24, 2014 - 03:52 (UTC)</dd>
<dt class="note">[[User:DreadedEntity|DreadedEntity]]</dt>
<dd class="note">
Some code that should produce a "Mission Credits" GUI (tested with a sample array, not actual MP). Lists all connected players.
<code>_allPlayers = "[[composeText]] [";
[[if]] ([[isPlayer]] _x) [[then]]
_allPlayers = [[format]] ["%1'%2'", _allPlayers, [[name]] _x];
[[if]] (_forEachIndex < (([[count]] [[playableUnits]]) - 1)) [[then]]
_allPlayers = [[format]] ["%1,lineBreak,", _allPlayers];
}[[forEach]] [[playableUnits]];
_allPlayers = [[format]] ["%1];", _allPlayers];
_structuredText = [[call]] [[compile]] _allPlayers;
[_structuredText, "Mission Credits", "THANK YOU", "THANK YOU", [[findDisplay]] 46, [[false]], [[true]]] [[spawn]] [[BIS_fnc_GUImessage]];</code>
<!-- DISCONTINUE Notes -->

Latest revision as of 01:28, 26 December 2014

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