Biki Export Scripts

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Revision as of 11:49, 1 February 2021 by R3vo (talk | contribs)
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This page contains all export scripts used to generate data on various pages on this wiki.


_r = [] ;
	_r pushBack [getText (_x >> "name"),[]] ;
	_index = _forEachIndex ;
		private _actionName = actionName _x ;
		(_r#_index#1) pushBack [_x,_actionName] ;
	} forEach getArray (_x >> "group") ;
} forEach ("true" configClasses (configFile >> "UserActionGroups")) ;

_rFinal = [
	'{| class="sortable wikitable"'
] ;

_presets = ("configName _x != 'Empty'" configClasses (configFile >> "CfgDefaultKeysPresets")) ;
_str = '! Type !! actionName !! Name' ;

	_str = _str + " !! " + getText (_x >> "displayName") ;
	if (getNumber (_x >> "default") == 1) then {
		_str = _str + "<br/>(Default)" ;
	} ;
} forEach _presets ;

_rFinal pushBack format ['! colspan="3"| Action information !! colspan="%1"| Presets',count _presets] ;
_rFinal pushBack "|-" ;
_rFinal pushBack _str ;

	_type = _x#0 ;
		_rFinal pushBack "|-" ;
		_x params ["_actionName","_name"/*,"_tooltip"*/] ;
		if (_name isEqualTo "") then {
			_name = "{{n/a}}" ;
		} ;
		_str = format ["| %1 || <tt>%2</tt> || %3 ",_type,_actionName,_name] ;
			_keys = getArray (_x >> "Mappings" >> _actionName) ;
			if (count _keys != 0) then {
				_keys = _keys apply {
					call {
						if (typeName _x == "STRING") exitWith {
							keyName call compile _x ;
						} ;
						if (typeName _x == "ARRAY") exitWith {
							_r = [] ;
								if (typeName _x == "STRING") then {
									_r pushBack ((keyName call compile _x) splitString """")#0 ;
								} ;
								_r pushBack ((keyName _x) splitString """")#0 ;
							} forEach _x ;
							_r = (_r joinString "+") ;
						} ;
						keyName _x
					} ;
				} ;
				_str = _str + format ["|| %1 ",(_keys joinString ", " splitString """")#0] ;
			} else {
				_str = _str + "|| " ;
			} ;
		} forEach _presets ;
		_rFinal pushBack _str ;
	} forEach (_x#1) ;
} forEach _r ;

_rFinal pushBack "|}" ;

copyToClipboard (_rFinal joinString endl) ;
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