Enforce Script Syntax – DayZ

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Enforce Script is the language that is used by the Enfusion engine first introduced in DayZ Standalone. It is a Object-Oriented Scripting Language (OOP) that works with objects and classes.


Arithmetic Operators

Operation Symbol
Add +
Subtract -
Multiply *
Divide /


Operation Symbol
Define value to variable =
Increment variable by value +=
Decrement variable by value -=
Multiply variable by value *=
Divide variable by value /=
Increment variable by 1 ++
Decrement variable by 1 --


More than value >
Less than value <
More or equal to the value >=
Less or equal to the value <=

Classes and Objects

Classes can be seen as a blueprint of an object. An object is an instance of a class. A class can have more than one object.

Instantiate (create a new instance) a class MyClass myClass = new MyClass();
Access attributes and methods inside a class by using dot notation. myClass.myMethod()

Basic Class

class MyClass 
	private string _test;

	void MyClass() 
		// Constructor that will be called when class gets instantiated
	string getTest() 
		return _test;

	string setTest(value) 
		_test = value;

Modded class
In order to get your custom code to work and function on top of another class already in the game, a modded class is where you want to turn to.

modded class PlayerBase 
	override void EEKilled(Object killer) 
		// This will call the method in which you are overriding.
		// Do this if you want to keep the original functionality

		// Custom code here (i.e. Print(killer.GetIdentity().GetName()))