Enforce Script Syntax – DayZ

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Enforce Script is the language that is used by the Enfusion engine first introduced in DayZ Standalone. It is a Object-Oriented Scripting Language (OOP) that works with objects and classes and is similar to C# programming language.


Code blocks

Code block is bordered by curly brackets and defines a scope. Variables defined inside scope are accessible only from inside of it.

Scope example

void Hello()
	 int x = 2; // First declaration of x

void Hello2()
	 int x = 23; // Different x not related to the first one

Nested scope

void World()
    int i = 5;
    // Following i is in a nested scope (scope of the for loop)
    // Therefore we get an error because multiple declaration is not allowed
    for (int i = 0; i < 12; ++i)

Scope issue

void Hello()
    if (true)
        // This is code block for the if branch
        int x = 2; // First declaration of x
        // This is code block for the else branch
        int x = 23; // This will currently throw a multiple declaration error - while this should change for future enfusion script iterations, it might stay like this in DayZ. To circumvent this, define the x above the if statement or use different variables.

Program structure

Enfusion script consists of classes and functions. All code must be declared inside a function.

class MyClass
    void Hello()
        Print("Hello World"); // ok
void Hello()
    Print("Hello World"); // ok
Print("Hello World"); // this code will be never executed, and should be caught by compiler as unexpected statement


Variables are defined by type and name.

void Test()
    // declare 
    int a;
    // assign 
    a = 5;
    // initialize 
    int b = 9;


Operator Priority: Priority of operators is similar than in C language, more info.

Arithmetic Operators

Operation Symbol
Add +
Subtract -
Multiply *
Divide /
Modulo %


Operation Symbol
Assign value to variable =
Increment variable by value +=
Decrement variable by value -=
Multiply variable by value *=
Divide variable by value /=
Increment variable by 1 ++
Decrement variable by 1 --

Relational (conditional)

Operation Symbol
More than value >
Less than value <
More or equal to the value >=
Less or equal to the value <=
Equal ==
Not equal !=


Category -
Logical &&, ||
Bitwise &, |, ~
String +
Shift <<, >>
Assignment =
Indexing []
Negation !


Primitive Types

Type name Range -
int from −2,147,483,648 to +2,147,483,647 0
float from ±1.401298E−45 to ±3.402823E+38 0.0
bool true or false false
string - "" (empty string)
vector see float (0.0,0.0,0.0)
void -
class - null
typename - null








Static Arrays

Dynamic Arrays

Control Structures

Control structures work very similar to c# or c/c++ languages.

Conditional structures

If statement

void Method()
    int a = 4;
    int b = 5;
    if (a > 0)
        Print("A is greater than zero!");
        Print("A is not greater than zero!");
    if (a > 0 && b > 0)
        Print("A and B are greater than zero!");
    if (a > 0 || b > 0)
        Print("A or B are greater than zero!");
    // 'else if' example
    if (a > 10)
        Print("a is bigger then 10");
    else if (a > 5)
        Print("a is bigger then 5 but smaller than 10");
        Print("a is smaller then 5");

Switch statement

Switch statement supports switching by numbers, constants and strings.

void Method()
    int a = 2;
        case 1:
            Print("a is 1");
        case 2:
            Print("a is 2"); // this one is called
            Print("it's something else");
    // using switch with constants
    const int LOW = 0;
    const int MEDIUM = 1;
    const int HIGH = 2;
    int quality = MEDIUM;
        case LOW:
            // do something
        case MEDIUM:
            // this one is called
            // do something
        case HIGH:
            // do something
    // using switch with strings
    string name = "peter";
        case "john":
            Print("Hello John!");
        case "michal":
            Print("Hello Michal!");
        case "peter":
            Print("Hello Peter!"); // this one is called

Iteration structures


The for loop consists of three parts: declaration, condition and increment.

void Method()
    // this code prints
    // "i = 0"
    // "i = 1"
    // "i = 2"
    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
// this function print all elements from dynamic array of strings
void ListArray(TStringArray a)
    if (a == null) return; // check if "a" is not null
    int i = 0;
    int c = a.Count();
    for (i = 0; i < c; i++)
        string tmp = a.Get(i);


Simpler and more comfortable version of for loop.


void Method()
    int i = 0;
    // this code prints
    // "i = 0"
    // "i = 1"
    // "i = 2"
    while (i < 3)

Classes and Objects

Classes can be seen as a blueprint of an object. An object is an instance of a class. A class can have more than one object.

Basic Class Example

class MyClass 
	private string _test;

	void MyClass() 
		// Constructor that will be called when class gets instantiated

	void myMethod()
		// Some code here
	string getTest() 
		return _test;

	string setTest(value) 
		_test = value;

Instantiate and Use

Use the new operator to instantiate a class. You can access methods or attributes by using dot notation.


 class MyClass {
      int attributeExample = 1;
     public MyClass() {
          // Constructor
     public string myMethod() {
          return "This is a string return";
 MyClass myClassI = new MyClass();
 myClassI.attributeExample // 1
 myClassI.myMethod // "This is a string return"

Basic Script Example

MyClass myClass = new MyClass();
myClass.setTest("Hello, Enforce Script!");
string str = myClass.getTest(); // str is now "Hello, Enforce Script!"

Modded class

In order to get your custom code to work and function on top of another class already in the game, a modded class is where you want to turn to.

modded class PlayerBase 
	override void EEKilled(Object killer) 
		// This will call the method in which you are overriding.
		// Do this if you want to keep the original functionality

		// Custom code here (i.e. Print(killer.GetIdentity().GetName()))