Eden Editor: Entity Context Menu

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Create a custom Entity Context Menu entry

  • Entries for the Context Menu are defined in the class Display3DEN.
  • The menu has multiple levels, the first level for example contains options like "Go Here" or folders like "Log". Those folders on the other hand can have another level, level 2.

A3 3DEN contextMenu.jpg

Adding a Level 1 Entry

class ctrlMenu; // First we need to load the base class of the menu
class Display3DEN
	class ContextMenu: ctrlMenu
		class Items
			items[] += { "TAG_ShowOldText" };
			class TAG_ShowOldText
				text = "$STR_TAG_contextMenu_showSomeText"; // Name of the entry, ideally localised
				value = 0; // In order for an entry to show up in the context menu as a level one item, it must have a value defined
				action = "systemChat 'Showing some old text.'"; // The code which is executed when the entry was selected
				conditionShow = "hoverObject"; // The Condition, see below

If you want to add a level one item which has level two entries, see the third example.

Adding a Level 2 Entry

class ctrlMenu; // First we need to load the base class of the menu
class Display3DEN
	class ContextMenu: ctrlMenu
		class Items
			class Log // The easiest way to add an entry is to use one of the already available folders, here we use the class "Log" (Level 1)
				picture = "someLogo.paa"; // Icon used for the entry called "Log"
				items[] += // Here we list all items we want to add to the "Log" class. 
			class TAG_ShowSomeText // Now we need to define the entry itself which will be inside the "Log" folder (Level 2)
				text = "$STR_TAG_contextMenu_showSomeText"; // Name of the entry, ideally localised
				action = "systemChat 'Showing some text.'"; // The code which is executed when the entry was selected
				conditionShow = "hoverObject"; // The Condition, see below

Adding a Multi-Level Entry

class ctrlMenu; // First we need to load the base class of the menu
class Display3DEN
	class ContextMenu: ctrlMenu
		class Items
			items[] += {"TAG_ShowAFolder"};
			class TAG_ShowAFolder
				picture = "someLogo.paa"; // Icon used for the entry called [Custom Folder]
				text = "Custom Folder";
				value = 0; // In order for an entry to show up in the context menu as a level one item, it must have a value defined
				items[] = // Here we list all items we want to add to the [Custom Folder] class. 
			class TAG_ShowSomeText // Now we need to define the entry itself which will be the [Show Text] entry, (Level 2)
				text = "Show Text"; //Name of the entry
				action = "systemChat 'Showing some text.'"; //The code which is executed when the entry was selected
				conditionShow = "hoverObject"; //The Condition, see below


  • Context menu entries can have different conditions which need to be true in order for the entry to appear.
  • The condition is defined by the conditionShow config entry.
class YourEntry
	action = "call BIS_fnc_someFunction"; // Can be any kind of expression defined as string
	text = "Delete Crew"; // Name shown in the context menu
	conditionShow = "hoverObjectVehicle"; // Condition

The condition is a Simple Expression and can use one of the variables below:

Condition Description
selected True when an Eden entity is selected
hoverObjectBrain True when hovering over an object with simulation "soldier" or "UAVpilot"
hoverObjectVehicle True when hovering over a vehicle
hoverObject True when hovering over any object
hoverGroup True when hovering over any group
hoverTrigger True when hovering over any trigger
hoverWaypoint True when hovering over any waypoint
hoverLogic True when hovering over any logic
hoverMarker True when hovering over any marker
isMultiplayer True when editing in multiplayer environment
hoverObjectUav True when hovering over an UAV
isEditList True when the menu is opened from entity menu
hoverLayer True when hovering over a Layer
hoverObjectCanFly True when hovering an object which can fly
hoverObjectFlying True when hovering an object which is flying
selectedObject True when an object is selected
selectedWaypoint True when a waypoint is selected
selectedLogic True when a logic is selected
selectedMarker True when a Marker is selected


Once the menu has been opened, the following variables can be accessed:

(uiNamespace getVariable "BIS_fnc_3DENEntityMenu_data") params ["_posEntity3D", "_entity"];