Event Handlers – Operation Flashpoint

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Revision as of 23:22, 22 July 2006 by Kronzky (talk | contribs) (added Engine bug description)
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Triggered when the unit is damaged. Global.
(If simultaneous damage occured (e.g. via grenade) EH might be triggered several times.)

Passed array: [unit, selectionName, damage]

  • unit: Object - object the event handler is assigned to
  • selectionName: String - name of the selection where the unit was damaged "nohy" - leg, "ruce" - hand, "hlava" - head, "telo" - body)
  • damage: Number - caused level of damage


Triggered when the engine of the unit is turned on/off. Global.
Has a bug in MP: on clients where the vehicle is not local, engineState is always false, so you should use..._vehicle addEventHandler ["engine", {[_this select 0, isEngineOn (_this select 0)] exec "myScript.sqs"}"] instead.

Passed array: [unit, engineState]

  • unit: Object - object the event handler is assigned to
  • engineState: Boolean - true when the engine is turned off, false when turned off


Triggered when the unit fires a weapon. Global.

Passed array: [unit, weapon, muzzle, mode, ammo]

  • unit: Object - object the event handler is assigned to
  • weapon: String - fired weapon
  • muzzle: String - muzzle of which was fired
  • mode: String - current mode of the fired weapon
  • ammo: String - fired ammo


Triggered when the unit's fuel status changes between completely empty / not empty (only useful when the object the event handler is assigned to is a vehicle). Global.

Passed array: [unit, fuelState]

  • unit: Object - object the event handler is assigned to
  • fuelState: Boolean - 0 when no fuel, 1 when the fuel tank is full


Triggered when the unit lowers/retracts the landing gear (only useful when the object the event handler is assigned to is substitute of the class "Plane"). Global.

Passed array: [unit, gearState]

  • unit: Object - object the event handler is assigned to
  • gearState: Boolean - true when the gear is lowered, false when retracted


Triggered when a unit enters the object (only useful when the object the event handler is assigned to is a vehicle). Global.

Passed array: [unit, position, enterer]

  • unit: Object - object the event handler is assigned to
  • position: String - can be either "driver", "gunner", "commander" or "cargo"
  • enterer: Object - object that got into the vehicle


Triggered when a unit gets out from the object, works the same way as GetIn. Global.


Triggered when the unit is hit/damaged. Local.

Passed array: [unit, causedBy, damage]

  • unit: Object - object the event handler is assigned to
  • causedBy: Object - object that caused the damage. Contains the unit itself in case of collisions.
  • damage: Number - level of damage caused by the hit


Triggered on mission start. Global.

Passed array: [unit]

  • unit: Object - object the event handler is assigned to


Triggered when a guided missile is fired on the unit. Global.

Passed array: [unit, ammo, whoFired]

  • unit: Object - object the event handler is assigned to
  • ammo: String - ammo type that was fired on the unit
  • whoFired: Object - object that fired the weapon


Triggered when the unit is killed. Local.

Passed array: [unit, killer]

  • unit: Object - object the event handler is assigned to
  • killer: Object - object that killed the unit