Order of Precedence

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Order of operations, also called operator precedence, is a set of rules specifying which procedures should be performed first in a mathematical expression.

Precedence Overview

  • Highest precedence means highest priority
  • Associativity is (then) done from left to right, for example 3 + 5 + 8 will be processed as ((3 + 5) + 8)
Precedence Type of Operator Examples

Nular operators (commands with no arguments):

  • commandName

Unary operators (commands with 1 argument):

  • commandName a
9 Hash-select operator
8 Power operator
5 N/A

Binary operators (commands with 2 arguments):

  • a commandName b
2 Logical and operator
1 Logical or operator


Input Process Comment
1 + 2 * 3
1 + (2 * 3)
result equals 7, and not 9 (see also PEMDAS)
sleep 10 + random 20
(sleep 10) + random 20
sleep 10 will return Nothing, then + random 20 will be calculated but not used.

sleep (10 + random 20) should be used instead