P3D Named Selections

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Revision as of 09:16, 14 May 2010 by Mikero (talk | contribs) (merged odol structtures)
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currently a place holder until this is better organised


Named Selections are contained in the Taggs structure in MLOD file format

struct structTag_SelectedWeighted { TinyBool Active; //Always true asciiz "<Any Ascii Characters>\0"; ulong NoOfBytes; //eg. Will always be NoOfPoints + NoOfFaces byte[NoOfPoints] SelectedWeightedPoints; byte[NoOfFaces] SelectedFaces; }

NB: The byte array's indicate a zero-based offset into the corresponding Points & Faces structures.

To clarify, the purpose of this 'chunk' is to denote which points & faces belong to a given 'Named Selection' and also to denote the 'per-point-weight' associated with this selection.

Each byte in the SelectedWeightedPoints array denotes a value 0 to 255 (0 to FF hex).

And, serves a dual purpose in...

1. Denoting the selectedness and
2. Denoting per point weighting.

  • Zero (0) or 0x00 hex indicates the corresponding point in the LODs Points array is not selected.
Any value other than zero indicates that the point is not only part of the selection but also has a weighting value.

  • One (1) or 0x01 hex indicates the corresponding point in the LODs Points array is selected and has 100% weighting.
Every value between 2 and 255 (0x02 to 0xFF hex) indicates the percentage weight of the corresponding point and that it is part of the selection.
Two (2) being almost 100% weighted and 255 being almost 0% weighted.

Following is some appropriate pseudo-code to illustrate.


float32 byte2weight = (256 - weight)/255; if (byte2weight > 1.0) then byte2weight = 0; Where 'weight' is a unit8 (single byte) in the range... 0 >= weight <= 255 or 0x00 >= weight <= 0xFF.


unit8 weight2byte = round(256 - (255 x weight),0); if (weight2byte == 256) then weight2byte = 0; Where 'weight' is a float32 in the range... 0.0 >= weight <= 1.0.


All arrays are subject to the 1024 rule. Which type of compression depends on odol version

  • ODOL7 and ODOL40: LZSS compressed
  • Arma2: LZO compressed.
   asciiz      SelectedName;                          // "rightleg" or "neck" eg
   ulong       NoOfFaces;
   ushort      FaceIndexes[NoOfFaces];
   ulong       Always0Count;
   unknownType Array[Always0Count]

   tbool       IsSectional;                                 //Appears in the sections[]= list of a model.cfg

   ulong       NoOfUlongs;
   ulong       UnknownArray[NoOfUlongs];
   ulong       nVertices;
   ushort      VerticesIndexes[nVertices];
   ulong       nTextureWeights;
   byte        VerticesWeights[nTextureWeights];