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Searches for selection in the object model's LOD level, and returns the Direction and Up vectors in model space.
Object Manipulation


object selectionVectorDirAndUp [selectionName, LOD]
object: Object
selectionName: String - selection name (see selectionNames)
LOD: String or Number - the LOD that contains the selection:
  • String - can be one of:
    • "Memory"
    • "Geometry"
    • "FireGeometry"
    • "LandContact"
    • "HitPoints"
    • "ViewGeometry"
  • Number - command searches for a LOD with the similar resolution (see allLODs).
Return Value:
Array - in format [vectorDir, vectorUp], where the vectors are in model space


Example 1:
vehicle player selectionVectorDirAndUp ["drivewheel_axis", "FireGeometry"] params ["_axisVectorDir", "_axisVectorUp"];
Example 2:
Get the player's barrel end (_p1 being muzzle end's ASL position):
onEachFrame { private _weapon = currentWeapon player; if (_weapon == "") exitWith {}; // update weapon info upon weapon switch if (_weapon != player getVariable ["last_weapon", "?"]) then { private _cfg = configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _weapon; private _model = getText(_cfg >> "model"); private _simpleObject = createSimpleObject [_model, [0,0,0], true]; private _offset = _simpleObject selectionPosition [getText (_cfg >> "muzzlePos"), "memory"]; _offset = _offset apply { [_x] }; deleteVehicle _simpleObject; player setVariable ["offset", _offset]; player setVariable ["last_weapon", _weapon]; player setVariable ["proxy", [ "proxy:\a3\characters_f\proxies\pistol.001", "proxy:\a3\characters_f\proxies\weapon.001", "proxy:\a3\characters_f\proxies\launcher.001", "proxy:\a3\characters_f\proxies\binoculars.001" ] select (([1, 4, 4096] find getNumber (_cfg >> "type")) + 1) ]; }; _offset = player getVariable ["offset", []]; private _proxy = player getVariable ["proxy", ""]; // using LOD resolution 1 (and lod index 0) - this is not always reliable // you should manually check allLODs and find the most suitable LOD (smallest res LOD usually has the best accuracy, but it might be slow too) player selectionVectorDirAndUp [_proxy, 1] params ["_vy", "_vz"]; private _pos = selectionPosition [player, _proxy, 0]; private _vx = _vy vectorCrossProduct _vz; private _mat = matrixTranspose [_vx, _vy, _vz]; _pos = _pos vectorAdd flatten (_mat matrixMultiply _offset); private _p1 = player modelToWorldVisualWorld _pos; private _p2 = _p1 vectorAdd (player vectorModelToWorldVisual (_vx vectorMultiply -1000)); drawLine3D [ASLToAGL _p1, ASLToAGL _p2, [1,0,0,1]]; };

Additional Information

See also:
selectionPosition selectionNames allLODs


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