
From Bohemia Interactive Community
Revision as of 01:51, 31 July 2006 by Burnix (talk | contribs) (Added local information. Maybe someone could write that in a better english.)
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skipTime duration

Operand types:

duration: Number

Type of returned value:



Skip time in duration of hours.

Daytime is adjusted, weather change is estimated, no changes in any units are made.

The tide is also adjusted.


skipTime 5


Very useful function - great for giving a "campaign" feel to a running battle.

Try this in your init.sqs file:

 skiptime 0.00333
 goto "loop"

This will make each day pass in around 12 minutes - great fun watching sunsets and the night sky!

Not to be confused with accTime.

A useful piece of code that will enable the mission to skip forward to any given time, irrespective of what time it happens to be in the mission is:
skipTime (_timeToSkipTo - daytime + 24) % 24
See a % b

Another important thing is, this command is local. If in multiplayer someone gets skiptime through a local script, the skipped time is only visible by that player. Evade that by do skipTime global with maybe a trigger.