Arma Reforger Script API
This is the complete list of members for BallisticTable, including all inherited members.
GetAimHeightOfNextProjectile(float distance, out float time, BaseMuzzleComponent muzzleComp, bool bDirectFire=true) | BallisticTable | static |
GetAimHeightOfProjectileAltitudeFromSource(float distance, out float heightResult, out float fTimeResult, IEntitySource projectile, float fAltitudeDifference, float initSpeedCoef=1.0) | BallisticTable | static |
GetDistanceOfProjectile(float angle, out float time, IEntity projectile, float initSpeedCoef=1.0, bool bDirectFire=true) | BallisticTable | static |
GetDistanceOfProjectileSource(float angle, out float fTimeResult, IEntitySource projectileSource, float initSpeedCoef=1.0, bool bDirectFire=true) | BallisticTable | static |
GetHeightFromProjectile(float distance, out float time, IEntity projectile, float initSpeedCoef=1.0, bool bDirectFire=true) | BallisticTable | static |
GetHeightFromProjectileSource(float distance, out float fTimeResult, IEntitySource projectileSource, float initSpeedCoef=1.0, bool bDirectFire=true) | BallisticTable | static |