Arma Reforger Script API
This is the complete list of members for ScriptedCameraBase, including all inherited members.
ApplyTransform(float timeslice) | CameraBase | |
CameraActivate() | CameraBase | protected |
CameraDeactivate() | CameraBase | protected |
GetCameraIndex() | CameraBase | |
GetCursorTarget() | CameraBase | |
GetCursorTargetWithPosition(out vector outPosition) | CameraBase | |
GetFarPlane() | CameraBase | |
GetNearPlane() | CameraBase | |
GetProjType() | CameraBase | |
GetVerticalFOV() | CameraBase | |
GetWorldCameraTransform(out vector mat[4]) | CameraBase | |
IsAABBVisible(vector mins, vector maxs) | CameraBase | |
IsSphereVisible(vector origin, float radius) | CameraBase | |
SetCameraIndex(int cameraIndex) | CameraBase | |
SetFarPlane(float farPlane) | CameraBase | |
SetFOVDegree(float fovDegrees) | CameraBase | |
SetLensFlareSet(CameraLensFlareSetType type, string userName) | CameraBase | |
SetNearPlane(float nearPlane) | CameraBase | |
SetVerticalFOV(float fov) | CameraBase |