Enfusion Script API
No Matches
Math Member List

This is the complete list of members for Math, including all inherited members.

AbsFloat(float f)Mathstatic
AbsInt(int i)Mathstatic
Acos(float c)Mathstatic
Asin(float s)Mathstatic
Atan2(float y, float x)Mathstatic
Ceil(float f)Mathstatic
Clamp(float value, float min, float max)Mathstatic
ClampInt(int value, int min, int max)Mathstatic
Cos(float angleRad)Mathstatic
Floor(float f)Mathstatic
InverseLerp(float a, float b, float value)Mathstatic
IsInRange(float value, float min, float max)Mathstatic
IsInRangeSharp(float value, float min, float max)Mathstatic
Lerp(float a, float b, float t)Mathstatic
Log(float x)Mathstatic
Log10(float x)Mathstatic
Log2(float x)Mathstatic
Map(float value, float fromLow, float fromHigh, float toLow, float toHigh)Mathstatic
MapAngle(float value, float fFromRange=360, float fToLow=-180, float fToHigh=180)Mathstatic
Max(float x, float y)Mathstatic
Min(float x, float y)Mathstatic
Mod(float v, float div)Mathstatic
PerlinNoise(float x, float y=0, float z=0)Mathstatic
PerlinNoise01(float x, float y=0, float z=0)Mathstatic
Pow(float v, float power)Mathstatic
RandomFloat(float min, float max)Mathstatic
RandomFloatInclusive(float min, float max)Mathstatic
RandomGaussFloat(float sigma, float mean)Mathstatic
RandomInt(int min, int max)Mathstatic
RandomIntInclusive(int min, int max)Mathstatic
Randomize(int seed)Mathstatic
Repeat(float value, float range)Mathstatic
Round(float f)Mathstatic
SimplexNoise1D(float x)Mathstatic
Sin(float angleRad)Mathstatic
SmoothCD(float val, float target, inout float velocity, float smoothTime, float maxVelocity, float dt)Mathstatic
SmoothCDPI2PI(float val, float target, inout float velocity, float smoothTime, float maxVelocity, float dt)Mathstatic
SmoothSpring(float val, float target, inout float velocity, float spring, float damping, float dt)Mathstatic
Sqrt(float val)Mathstatic
Tan(float angleRad)Mathstatic