Enfusion Script API
No Matches
Shape Member List

This is the complete list of members for Shape, including all inherited members.

Create(ShapeType type, int color, ShapeFlags flags, vector p1, vector p2)Shapestatic
CreateArrow(vector from, vector to, float size, int color, ShapeFlags flags)Shapestatic
CreateCylinder(int color, ShapeFlags flags, vector origin, float radius, float length)Shapestatic
CreateLines(int color, ShapeFlags flags, vector p[], int num)Shapestatic
CreateSphere(int color, ShapeFlags flags, vector origin, float radius)Shapestatic
CreateTris(int color, ShapeFlags flags, vector p[], int num)Shapestatic
GetMatrix(out vector mat[4])Shape
SetColor(int color)Shape
SetFlags(ShapeFlags flags)Shape
SetMatrix(vector mat[4])Shape